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Leave was given to add the following words : " and of affording special facilities to country teachers of attending training-classes." The motion was further amended, on Dr. Anderson's motion, by the omission of words " one or more," and the substituting of the words " the four principal" ; and the substituting of " maintaining" for " establishing." Voting on Dr. Anderson's amendment was 11 to 9. The motion, as amended, was carried. Dr. Smyth moved, " That training-colleges be established in connection with the present university colleges ; and that arrangements be made to allow all pupil-teachers to attend these for a course of two years."—Seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald. Leave was given to amend by inserting the words " one or " after words " course of." Motion, as amended, was passed. Mr. Pope moved, " That, in connection with ' hand-work,' such instruction in practical mechanical analysis and synthesis should be given in Standard VI. as would enable a class of children to take to pieces and reconstruct at least three machines—such as a lock, a clock, and a working-model of a steam-engine. In the case of girls the sewing-machine might, at the teacher's discretion, be substituted for the steam-engine."—Dr. Smyth seconded, and motion carried. Mr. Hill moved, " That, in the opinion of this Conference, it is desirable that the Inspectors of Schools be placed under the authority of the central department."—Seconded by Mr. Smith. Carried by 14 votes to 9. Mr. Bakewell moved, " That this Conference expresses its regret at the unfortunate circumstances necessitating the absence from this Conference of Mr. Ladley, of Nelson."- —Carried unanimously. Conference adjourned at 5 p.m. till 8.30 p.m. Conference resumed at 8.45 p.m. Mr. Petrie moved, this Conference desires to express its warm appreciation of the Minister's liberality in making better provision for the adequate payment of teachers, and for the better equipment of the public schools of the colony."—Mr. Wood seconded. Carried. Mr. Petrie moved, " That the Minister be asked to take steps to enable Inspectors of Schools to vote at the elections of members of Parliament on the same footing as commercial travellers."—■ Seconded by Mr. Wood, and carried. Mr. Smith moved, " That notices of motion intended for the consideration of the next Conference be forwarded to the Secretary for Education some days before the day fixed for meeting, so that they may be consolidated and arranged in order of importance before the first meeting of the Conference."—Seconded by Mr. Goyen. The Chairman suggested that the Inspectors in Wellington be a Standing Orders Committee for this purpose.—Suggestion agreed to, and motion carried. The Committee set up in accordance with Mr. Spencer's motion met and brought down a set of resolutions, each of which was put separately to the Conference. Dr. Smyth accordingly moved, " (1.) That, at the option of the teacher, a course of study in Continuation of that prescribed for Standard VI. be laid down for Standard VII. ; and that such other subjects as the circumstances of the district render desirable, and the Inspector approves, be added thereto."—Seconded by Mr. Goyen. Mr. Petrie moved, as an amendment, "That the words 'at the option of the teacher' be omitted, and that the words ' and such course shall be at the option of the teacher in all schools with a staff of fewer than three teachers' be added to the motion." —Seconded by Mr. Purdie. Amendment put in parts, the first part being carried by 10 votes to 5, and the second carried on the voices. The motion, as amended, was carried, as follows : — " That a course of study in continuation of that prescribed for Standard VI. be laid down for Standard VII., and that such other subjects as the circumstances of the district render desirable, and the Inspector approves, be added thereto; and such course shall be at the option of the teacher in all schools with a staff of fewer than three teachers." Dr. Smyth also moved, " (2.) That teachers should receive suitable remuneration for this work."—Seconded by Mr. Goyen. Motion carried by 17 votes to 4. Dr. Smyth also moved, " (3.) That in any district remote from centres where secondary schools exist a district high school may be established, providing that it is likely that fifteen Standard VII. pupils will attend."—Seconded by Mr. Goyen, and carried. Dr. Smyth also moved, " (4.) That in all district high schools the course of higher instruction shall include — " (a.) Higher English and arithmetic. " (b.) A practical acquaintance with such branches of knowledge—literary, general, and scientific—as bear directly on the occupations of life in which the pupils will ultimately become engaged. " (c.) Such general hand- and eye-training and workshop practice as will tend to induce habits of manual industry, increase dexterity, and develop artistic taste." Mr. Goyen seconded. Motion lost: 8 votes to 13. Mr. Goyen moved, and Dr. Smyth seconded, " (5.) That in the larger centres of population the Minister be asked to establish central schools that shall provide for pupils who have obtained the proficiency certificate of a general education, along with such technical instruction as may be needful."—Motion carried by 15 votes to 4. Dr. Smyth also moved, " (6.) That, in addition to the present concessions, the Education Department be asked to grant free school season-tickets to all pupils over fifteen years of age who are attending any schools under an Education Board and are doing work higher than Standard VI.,