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1900, of the sum of £900. A further grant in aid of school buildings in the newly settled districts of Starborough and Eichmond Brook, amounting to £550, was received in April. ' Contracts were let for the following works : Teacher's residence, Blind Eiver, £196 155.; new school, Eichmond Brook, £317 165.; new school, Starborough, £413; teacher's residence, Eenwick, £377 18s. An application was received and forwarded to the Department for the erection of a school and teacher's house at Eai Valley out of the provisions made for schools in newly settled districts. No reply has been received to this application, but the matter being urgent the Board made arrangements for the erection of a temporary school (to be afterwards utilised in the erection of a residence) for the sum of £40, to which some addition for furniture will be required. These, together with smaller repairs, furniture, &c, left the Building Account at the close of the year still in debt to the General Account to the extent of £228 18s. lid. Shorthand Classes.—Notwithstanding the refusal of the Government to continue the subsidy on these classes under the Manual and Technical Instruction Act, the Board, believing that to discontinue them at that time would be virtually wasting the money already expended, decided to continue them until the end of the year 1900, to enable the students to derive fuller advantage from them than would have been possible if they had terminated with the Government grant. Several of the students have since obtained certificates of proficiency, and all have greatly benefited by the instruction received, and are now sufficiently advanced to make further progress unassisted. Perhaps under the new regulations the Board may again take up the subject. Colonial Scale of Staffs and Salaries.—Although not coming strictly within the limit of the transactions of the year to which this report refers, the Board desires to express its opinion that in framing a colonial scale the average attendance, as being the measure both of the work to be done and of the responsibility incurred, is the only basis upon which a satisfactory scheme can be built, and that the recognition of the teacher's certificate should be separately provided for. At the same time, the Board fully concurs with the Department in the proposed assigning of minimum certificates to schools of different magnitudes and importance. The Inspector's report, which is forwarded with this, will supply the information usually required by the Department. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. A. P. Seymour, Chairman.

Geneeal Statement of Eeceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1900. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. Government grant for buildings .. .. 900 0 0 Balance— & s. d. £ s. d. Special grant for Starborough and Rich- Br. Building Account .. 1,122 10 6 mond Brook.. .. .. .. 550 0 0 Cr. General Account .. 1,113 19 9 Government statutory capitation .. 6,377 16 3 . — 810 9 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 33 4 6 Office staff—Salaries of Secretary, TreaInspection subsidy .. .. .. 200 0 0 surer, and Inspector (including travelPayments by School Commissioners — ling-expenses) .. .. .. 400 010 For primary education .. .. 150 0 0 Clerk .. .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 , For secondary education .. .. 85 6 8 Departmental contingencies .. .. 195 6 8 Other receipts— Truant Officer's salary and expenses .. 17 10 0 Books .. .. . • •. 388 1 8 Teachers' salaries and allowances (includDeposits .. .. .. •■ 23 0 0 ing rent, bonus, &c.) .. .. .. 5,861 3 9 Sale of old building .. .. .. 715 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 515 5 0 Bents .. .. .. • • 21 3 9 Scholarships—Paid to scholars .. .. 186 13 4 Shorthand fees .. .. .. 19 2 6 School buildings— Children's Patriotio Fund .. .. 24 7 1 New buildings .. .. .. 74 13 0 Refund .. .. .. • • 31 17 6 Improvements of buildings .. .. 177 2 4 Stationery .. .. .. .. 3 1 10 Furniture and appliances .. .. 142 0 5 Sites .. .. .. .. 129 6 11 Plans, supervision, and fees .. .. 62 14 0 Books.. .. .. .. .. 402 6 5 Deposits .. .. .. .. 8 0 0 School libraries .. .. .. 26 7 9 Shorthand classes .. .. .. 60 0 0 Children's Patriotic Fund .. .. 24 7 1 Refunds .. .. .. .. 28 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 425 8 6 £8,814 16 9 £8,814 16 9 John Smith, Secretary. Examined and found correct. — J. K. Waeburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

NELSON. Sir, — Education Office, Nelson, 14th March, 1901. I have the honour to lay before you a report of the proceedings of the Education Board of the District of Nelson for the year 1900. Members of the Board.—There has been no change in the personnel of the Board during the year, the retiring members having been re-elected. The following persons constitute the Board—viz., Messrs. Philip Best, William Loch, William Henry Phillips, Thomas John Baigent, William Norris Franklyn, Andrew Thomas Maginnity, Thomas Bailie, John Deidrich Beuke, and George Talbot (Chairman).