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Kathleen Mine. —This is a freehold property, and is owned by an English company, who have expended a large sum of money in developing the property. The claim being situated on lowlying ground and only a few feet above sea-level, expensive pumping and winding machinery had to be erected to enable the work to be systematically carried on. A shaft was sunk to a depth of 320 ft., and crosscuts and other work carried on at the 200 ft. and 300 ft. levels. Over 1,000 ft. of crosscut drives were put in, and 1,190 ft. were driven on Carlyon's, Hartridge, and Hauraki North reefs. Although the reefs were well defined, nothing of a payable character could be found, and, the future prospects not being encouraging, operations in the mine have now been suspended. Kathleen Grown Mine. —This mine is on freehold property, and was closed down in the early part of the year pending a reconstruction of the company to raise money to further open up the reefs that were intersected at the different levels driven from the shaft, from which encouraging prospects were obtained. Operations have lately been resumed, but work is being carried on at the surface-levels until further instructions are received from London. Six men are employed. Golden Pah Mine. —An average of twenty-one men were employed in this mine up to the month of October last, the work being directed in opening up the reefs and leaders, which vary from 2 in. to 3 ft. in thickness at the 80 ft., 130 ft., and 180 ft. levels. Small quantities of picked stone were occasionally obtained, but not sufficient to pay, and, as a considerable amount of money has been spent in opening up the mine with little prospect of getting remunerative returns in the near future, operations have been suspended. 40 tons of quartz was treated for 69 oz. 19 dwt. of gold ; value, £220 3s. Hauraki South. —A little work was done on this ground at the surface-levels by tributers. Not finding anything to pay they stopped work, and the small pumping and winding plant, together with the buildings erected on the mine, were sold by auction to pay wages, Ac, and a plaint has been laid for the forfeiture of the ground. Hauraki Freeholds (Limited). —The property comprises an area of 95 acres, situated on the main spur which runs down from the Kapanga Mine to the sea-beach near the wharf. The freehold portion of the property includes the old Wynyardtou Township, and the leasehold of 8 acres consists of the Welcome Find and Galconda. The base of operations (from which all future work will be carried on) is the Welcome Find shaft, where there is erected a substantial pumping and winding plant. The shaft is down to a depth of 230 ft. below the surface, and three levels have been opened out from it. From the No. 1 or 110 ft. level there are at present two main crosscut drives being extended in a north-west and south-west direction. It is considered these will intersect all the different lodes that traverse the company's property, and as soon as the reefs are opened up at this level the second and third levels will be extended to open up the reefs at the lower levels to enable a regular supply of ore being kept up. Gold in payable quantities has been mined to a depth of 150 ft., and there is every reason to believe that the chutes of ore will continue down to a much greater depth, with a fair chance of a rich patch of gold being found. 22 tons of general dirt was crushed for soz. 14 dwt. of gold ; value, £16 13s. sd. Hauraki Main Lodes. —This mine is situated on the foreshore. A large amount of work has been done, and money expended in the erection of machinery, sinking a shaft, and general development, but, as nothing in the shape of a payable reef was discovered, operations in the mine have been suspended and the machinery sold. Ten men were employed in the mine for a short time. Hauraki No. 2. —This mine has been steadily worked, two men being employed in crosscutting and driving on reefs and leaders at the surface-level. The company have lately increased their area of ground by taking in a portion of the Zealandia Claim, on which no work has been done for some time past. 9 tons of quartz was crushed for 3 oz. 5 dwt. of gold ; value, £9 15s. Bunker's Hill. —This company has had an average of eight men continuously employed during the last nine months, the operations being directed in driving and stoping on what is termed the 4 in. leader over the back of No. 3 ievel. A little work has been done on the cross-leader at No. 2 level, and a trial crushing of 33 tons was broken out of the big reef and sent to the mill for treatment. This gave a return of a little over J oz. to the ton. 61 tons of quartz and 72 lb. of specimens were treated for 165 oz. 18 dwt.; value, £467 os. 3d. Trig Hill. —This mine is still being worked by Moore and Verran (tributers), who have been engaged in driving on a leader varying from 2 in. to 4 in. in thickness. At the surface-level 37 tons of quartz has been treated for 27 oz. of gold; value, £81. Ring's Hill. —Mr. Home has had one man employed on this ground, and took out 3 tons of quartz. On being crushed the yield was 4oz. 5 dwt. of gold ; value, £12 15s. Cabbage Bay District. Extended Quartz Claim. —Two men have been continuously employed. Their work comprised prospecting and driving on leaders varying from 2 in. to 9 in. in thickness at the surface-levels. They have had what is termed Vizard's battery repaired, and have had two parcels of general dirt, consisting of 18 tons, treated for 20 oz. 13 dwt. of gold ; value, £57 18s. 4d. There are a few other men prospecting in this district, but no new or important discoveries have been reported. Kennedy Bay District. Macoronic Mine. —Two men have been steadily employed on the property, their work resulting in a good deal of driving and trenching on the leaders, which vary from 2 in. to 3 ft. in thickness. Most of these carry a little gold, but so far nothing has been discovered that might be considered payable. 1 ton of quartz broken out from one of the leaders was treated at the public battery, Coromandel, which gave the moderate return of 9 dwt. of gold; value, £1 4s. 9d, 6—a 3.