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No. 6. Return showing the Quantity and Value of Coals imported into New Zealand during the Quarter ended the 31st March, 1901.

No. 7. Table showing the Increase or Decrease in the Production of Coal in the Colony, and Imported, Year by Year, during the last Twenty-three Years.

No. 8. Table showing the Output of Coal from the various Mining Districts, and the Comparative Increase and Decrease, for the Years 1899 and 1900, together with the Total Approximate Quantity of Coal produced since the Mines were opened.

Country whonce imported. Quantity. Value. Tew South Wales 'asmania Totals Tons. 35,669 Nil. 35,669 £ 35,249 Nil. 35,669 35,249

Year. Coal r; Tons. Coal raised i n the Colony. Coal imported. Plus or Minus. Increase and Decrease. Yearly Increase or Decrease. Tons. :878 .. l879 .. .880 .. 1881 .. .882 .. .883 .. .884 .. .885 .. .886 .. .887 .. .888 .. .889 .. .890 .. .891 .. .892 .. 893 .. .894 .. .895 .. .896 .. .897 .. .898 .. .899 .. .900 .. 162,218 231,218 299,923 337,262 378,272 421,764 480,831 511,063 534,353 558,620 613,895 586,445 637,397 668,794 673,315 691,548 719,546 726.654 792,851 840,713 907,033 975,234 1,093,990 69,000 68,705 37,339 41,010 43,492 59,069 30,232 23,290 24,267 55,275 27,450 50,952 31,397 4,521 18,233 27,998 7,108 66,197 47,862 66,320 68,201 118,756 174,148 158,076 123,298 129,962 129,582 123,540 148,444 130,202 119,873 107,230 101,341 128,063 110,939 125,318 125,453 117,444 112,961 108,198 101,756 110,907 115,427 99,655 124,033 + + + 16,072 33,778 6,664 380 6,042 24,904 18,242 10,329 12,643 5,889 26,722 17,124 14,379 135 8,009 4,483 4,763 6,442 9,151 4,520 15,772 24,378 + + + + +

Name of District. Output ot Coal. Plus or Minus. Increase or Decrease. ! Approximate, : Total Output of Coal up to I 31st December, 1900. 1900. 1809. Cawakawa and Hikurangi Vhangarei, Kamo, Ngunguru, and Whauwhau Vaikato -lokau 5 elorus Vest Wanganui Vcstport teefton Ireymouth lalvern 'imaru )tago louthland Tons. 53,340 26,339 Tons. 51,661 15,662 + + Tons. 1,679 10,677 Tons. 1,136,520 433,862 77,191 3,433 68,929 4,876 + 8,262 1,443 1,167,168 26,021 711 52,975 3,726,493 84,144 2,877,120 383,386 10,657 4,073,337 580,476 1,739 380,146 4,379 207,919 14,162 240 363,043 4,017 154,647 14,192 + + + + 1,499 17,103 362 53,272 30 59,129 249,824 48,143 + + 16!889 10,986 Totals 1,093,990 975,234 118,756 14,552,870