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SYDNEY. Tuesday, 16th April, 1901. The Commission met at 2.30 p.m. in the Chief Secretary's office, Sydney. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beaucliamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C., Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.8., Mr. W. S. Eeid, and Captain Russell, M.H.E. The minutes of the meetings of the 12th and 13th instant were read and confirmed. The Chairman reported that, after the adjournment of the regular meeting on Saturday last, he had an opportunity of obtaining the evidence of the Eight Hon. Sir J. Forrest, and interviewed him, together with the following members of the Commission—Messrs. Beauehamp, Leys, and Roberts —as there was no opportunity for obtaining a quorum. Sir J. Forrest's evidence was taken down by the official reporter. Resolved, That the action of the Chairman be confirmed, and that Sir J. Forrest's evidence be accepted. Mr. R. Teece, F.1.A., general manager and actuary of the Australian Mutual Provident Society, attended and gave evidence. It was decided to leave Sydney for Brisbane by next Friday's express, and on the conclusion of the sittings at Brisbane to adjourn to Wellington, at the Parliament Buildings, on Wednesday, Bth May, at 2.30 p.m. The Commission adjourned at 4.15 p.m.

Wednesday, 17th Apbil, 1901. The Commission met at 10.30 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. W. S. Reid, and Captain Russell, M.H.R. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A letter was received from W. E. Mort, stating that he would be unable, owing to important business, to attend the sitting of the Commission as promised. A letter was received from M. G. Denham, guard, Petersburg, South Australia, offering certain information in reference to federation, and his services, should a practical railway-man be required The Secretary was instructed to acknowledge the receipt of the letter. The Commission adjourned at 11 a.m. till 12 noon. The Commission reassembled at 12 noon. The Hon. J. H. Want, K.C., attended and gave evidence. The Commission adjourned at 1 p.m. until 2.30 p.m. next day.

Thursday, 18th April, 1901. The Commission met at 2.30 p.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.E., Mr. W. S. Eeid, Captain Eussell, M.H.E., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.E. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A letter was received from E. H. Lascelles, of Geelong, containing the information asked for in reference to the mallee country. It was decided to accept the letter as evidence, and to thank Mr. Lascelles for the information. The Commission adjourned at 3.30 p.m. until Monday, the 22nd instant, at Brisbane, the time and place to be fixed afterwards.

BRISBANE. Monday, 22nd Apbil, 1901. The Commission met at 11 a.m. in the Parliament House, Brisbane. Present : Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.R., Mr. W. S. Reid, Captain Russell, M.H.R., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.R. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence : J. Hughes (Government Statist), A. C. Grant (manager, Moreshead and Co.), W. J. Scott (Public Lands Department), and P. R. Gordon (Chief Inspector of Stock). The Commission adjourned at 4 p.m. until 10.15 a.m. next day.

Tuesday, 23rd April, 1901. The Commission met at 10.15 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.R., Mr. W. S. Reid, Captain Russell, M.H.R., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.R.
