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The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence : A. I. Clark (puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, formerly Cabinet Minister and member of the Federal Council of Australasia), E. M. Johnston (Begistrar-General "and Government Statistician of Tasmania), the Hon. W. H. Burgess (merchant, formerly a member of the Tasmanian Government), the Hon. W. Crosby, M.L.C. (merchant), and the Hon. Sir E. Braddon, K.C.M.G. (formerly Premier of Tasmania). A letter was read from the Hon. J. Want, K.C., expressing his desire to give evidence before the Commission on Monday, 15th April. As the movements of the Commission were not yet quite settled, consideration of the letter was deferred until the sittings in Melbourne. The Commission adjourned at 6.35 p.m. until 10 a.m. next day.

Saturday, 30th Maech, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. fl. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C., Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. 0. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.E., Mr. W. S. Eeid, Mr. J. Eoberts, C.M.G., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.E. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. E. M. Johnston, Government Statistician, was recalled, and gave further evidence. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence: The Hon. N. B. Lewis, M.B.C. (Premier and Attorney-General of Tasmania), the Hon. B. S. Bird, M.E.C. (State Treasurer), and the Hon. H. Dobson (barrister, formerly Premier of Tasmania). A letter was forwarded to the Hon. the Premier of Tasmania, thanking the Government for the assistance afforded to the Commission during their brief stay in Tasmania. The Commission adjourned at 1.15 p.m. until Monday, Ist April, at an hour to be fixed, at Melbourne.

MELBOUENB. Tuesday, 2nd April, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. in a room at the Parliament House, Melbourne. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.E.-, Mr. W. S. Eeid, Mr. J. Eoberts, C.M.G., and Captain Eussell, M.H.E. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A letter was read from J. Burns (of Burns, Philp, and Co.), begging to be excused from giving evidence, not having studied the subject. A letter was read from H. Jaggers, offering to give evidence before the Commission, consideration of which was deferred. D. Martin (Secretary for Agriculture, Victoria) and H. Ord (Chief Inspector of Factories, Victoria) attended and gave evidence. The Commission adjourned at 12.45 p.m. until 10.15 a.m. next day.

Wednesday, 3rd Apeil, 1901. The Commission met at 10.15 a.m. Present : Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.E., Mr. W. S. Eeid, Mr. J. Eoberts, C.M.G., Captain Eussell, M.H.E., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.E. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Hon. A. J. Peacock, M.L.A. (Premier of Victoria, State Treasurer, and Minister of Labour), attended and gave evidence. Captain Collins, E.N. (captain of the naval forces and Secretary of Defence for Victoria), J. J. Fenton (Assistant Government Statist), Major-General Downes (Commander of the Victorian military forces), and T. Kennedy, M.L.A., attended and gave evidence. The Eight Hon. Sir G. Turner, K.C.M.G. (Federal Treasurer), attended and gave evidence. The Commission adjourned at 5 p.m. until 10.30 a.m. next day.

Thursday, 4th April, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.E., Mr. W. S. Eeid, Mr. J. Eoberts, C.M.G., Captain Eussell, M.H.E., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.E. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence: Brigadier-General J. M. Gordon (Commandant of Forces, South Australia), J. E. Johnston (of Johnston and Co., engineers and ironfounders, South Melbourne), the Hon. A. McLean, M.H.E., J. Danks (merchant and brassfounder), the Hon. F. T. Derham (president of the Victorian Chamber of Manufactures), and C Van de Velde (civil engineer). The Commission adjourned at 4.50 p.m. until Tuesday, 9th April, at an hour to be fixed, in Adelaide.