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A letter was read from the secretary of the Waikato Farmers' Club, announcing that Mr. W. F. Buckland had been appointed to represent the club; and it was arranged that Mr. Buckland should be asked to attend before the Commission on Thursday. Letters were received from G. B. Alderton and C. Phillips, stating their views on federation; and it was decided to accept them as evidence. Letters were received from J. Fisher and Hon. E. Mitchelson, asking to be excused from attendance; and they were excused accordingly. A letter was received from P. E. Cheal, drawing attention to some items which he had overlooked in giving evidence the day before. It was resolved to inform Mr. Cheal that the Commission would be pleased to hear further evidence if he would again attend before them. W. Booth, of Carterton, wrote, stating his willingness to give further information before the Commission on their return from Wellington; and the Secretary was instructed to thank Mr. Booth. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence : J. H. Upton (stationer), J. H. Mackie (public accountant and auditor, and secretary of the Fruit-growers' Union), J. Aggers (secretary of the Bootmakers' Union), G. A. Coles (boot-manufacturer, and president of the Auckland Bootmakers' Association), T. Hodgson (manager of the Northern Boot-factory), M. Flurscheim (retired), W. J. Harker (retired merchant), A. Dewar (mining engineer), J. Chambers (importer of mining machinery), and J. King (commercial agent and accountant). The Commission adjourned at 5.20 p.m. until 10 a.m. next day.

Thuesday, 7th Maech, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C., Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.E., Mr. W. S. Eeid, Mr. J. Eoberts, C.M.G., Captain Eussell, M.H.E., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.E. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A memorandum from J. O'Brien, embodying his views, was received and admitted as evidence. Letters were received asking that the attendance of E. Sanson and L. J. Bagnall might be dispensed with on account of business arrangements, and both requests were acceded to. A letter was received from W. J. Harker, naming E. Turner, fruit-grower, as one able to give valuable evidence, and expressing dissatisfaction at his treatment by the Commission. The Secretary was instructed to acknowledge receipt of the letter. A letter was received from A. H. Bisley, of Nelson, submitting his views on federation, as requested ; and it was decided to accept the same as evidence. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence : J. King (in continuation of evidence given on the previous day), E. Hall (farmer, of One-tree Hill), J. Brown (managing director of the Direct Supply Company), A. G. Purchas (medical practitioner and clerk in holy orders), G. H. Powley (clothing-manufacturer), W. E. Lippiatt (fruit-grower and nurseryman, representative of the Fruit-growers' Association), W. F. Buckland (solicitor, of Cambridge), and J. Fawcus (mechanical engineer, representative of the Trades and Labour Council). The Commission adjourned at 4.30 p.m. until 10 a.m. next day.

Feiday, Bth Maech, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.E., Mr. W. S. Eeid, Mr. J. Eoberts, C.M.G., Captain Eussell, M.H.E., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.E. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. D. Goldie (Mayor of Auckland), D. E. Caldwell (of Macky, Logan, Steen, and Co.), T. Bell (of Henderson), and H. Johnston (of the Kauri Timber Company) desired to be excused from attendance, the request in each case being acceded to. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence: J. Hume (manager, Bycroft Milling Company), J. C. Macky (merchant and warehouseman), E. Dick (of Otahuhu, chemical-works manager, president of the Auckland Agricultural and Pastoral Association), M. M. Kirkbride (farmer, of Mangere), E. Hall (of Onehunga, secretary to the Auckland Agricultural and Pastoral Association), and J. G. Eutherford (farmer, of Bombay, representing the Franklin Agricultural and Pastoral Society). The Commission adjourned at 12.50 p.m. until 10 a.m. next day.

Satueday, 9th Maech, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.E., Mr. W. S. Eeid, Mr. J. Eoberts, C.M.G., Captain Eussell, M.H.E., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.R. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
