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Magnetic Subvey. Mr. Coleridge Farr was appointed in the end of 1899, at the suggestion of the Australasian Society for the Advancement of Science, to make a magnetic survey to ascertain for New Zealand the magnetic declination, the inclination, and the intensity of the earth's magnetic force. During the year he observed this at eighty stations —viz., seventeen in the northern part of the Middle Island, and sixty-three in the North Island, chiefly on the coast-line from Wellington along the west coast and round the northern end by the east coast to the Bay of Plenty. These stations are shown on the map which accompanies this report. The value of these operations to New Zealand is specially to mariners and for the investigation of the science of magnetism. Very little use of the magnetic compass is made here in the surveying of land, the true meridian of the circuit only being now used to determine boundaries. It has been decided to establish a base station in Hagley Park, Christchurch, the use of a small area there having been granted by the Domain Board. It is expected that Christchurch station, being nearer the South Pole than any other fully equipped observatory, will be used by the British antarctic expedition as their base station. A set of recording magnetographs adapted for south latitude have arrived, and as soon as the building now in course of erection is finished they will be put in position, adjusted, and tested. The unifilar magnetometer and dip-circle will be finished in July, and will arrive, it is expected, in sufficient time tc be established before the advent of the expedition. Boaed op Examinees. During the year there were five meetings of the Board, at which thirteen new applications to sit for examination were dealt with. Two examinations were held, at which twenty-five candidates sat. Nine different certificates of authorisation have been issued —viz., B. C. Eobinson, W. O. Beere, J. V. Haskell, W. M. Atkinson, A. N. Harrop, W. 0. McAlister, A. G. Muir, A. M. Eoberts, and P. B. Macdonald. In October, 1900, the Board of Examiners, which was constituted under " The Land Act, 1892," and which had been in operation for five years and a half, was superseded by the Surveyors Board constituted under "The New Zealand Institute of Surveyors and Board of Examiners Act, 1900," and all new business was relegated to the newly constituted Board, the Board of Examiners simply completing work in progress.

EOADS. The year 1899-1900 closed with a liability for works authorised to be done of £303,149, of which there was at the disposal of local authorities £102,124, and there was intrusted to the staff of the department £201,025. For the year 1900-1 the House voted for expenditure £433,997, which included the liability of the previous year—viz., £303,149. There was actually expended during the year under review a net sum of £310,660 out of this vote of £433,997, and the year ended with a liability to local bodies of £143,860, and for work intrusted to the staff of the department £292,386, or a total unexpended authorities actually given of £436,246. The following summary of the year's operations does not include work done for the Department of Mines :—

It is instructive to record here the progress quarterly of this expenditure and authorisation. As has been stated, the year began with a liability to local bodies of £102,124, and a liability to the staff of £201,025. On the Ist July there had been expended by local bodies, £19,586 ; by the staff, £55,393 ; the liabilities to local bodies decreased to £91,596; and the liabilities to the staff were £193,804. On the 30th September the expenditure for the six months became—By local bodies, £40,812 ;by the staff, £115,916; the liabilities to local bodies were £82,817; and for departmental works, £177,992. On the 31st December, 1900, the expenditure had become—By local bodies, £53,024; by departmental officers, £169,995; the liabilities to local bodies were £125,866 ; and for departmental works, £240,760. On the 31st March, 1901, the end of the financial year, the expenditure by local bodies was £76,813, and by officers of the staff £233,847 ; the unexpended authorities in the hands of local bodies was £143,860, and of officers of the Lands


District. Constructed. Widened and improved. Maintained. Cost, including Engineering and Bridges. Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson .. Marlborough Westland Canterbury Otago Southland General Miles. 363 81 86 146 47 59 20 5 31 108 1 Miles. 508 12 24 110 9 98 107 15 27 1 1 Miles. 1010 224 366 996 194 187 109 120 64 34 £ s. d. 92,255 4 4 31,335 17 5 33,087 17 5 72,038 10 2 9,277 10 5 13,933 0 2 11,452 10 2 8,014 10 1 15,901 14 11 20,298 10 8 3,065 1 8 Totals 949 912 3304 Dray-roads Bridle-roads 621 328 737 175 2272 1032 Totals 949 912 3304 310,660 7 5