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Page Tables— continued. Table 41.—Payments to Local Bodies from " Thirds " and " Fourths " .. 219 „ 42.—Balances in Local Bodies' Deposit Aocount on 31st March, 1901 .. 223 „ 43.—Surveyors employed and Work on hand at 31st March, 1901 .. 223 „ 44.—Government Loans to Local Bodies Acts .. .. .. ..224 45.—Roadworks executed during 1900-1901 228 „ 46. —Co-operative Works completed during 1900-1901 .. .. ..305 " Process " Illustrations — The Government Arch, Rotorua .. Pacing p. x Mr. S. Percy Smith, F.R.G.S. .. „ xxii Mr. J. P. Maitland, J.P. .. .. „ xxiv Mr. J. B. Redward .. .. .. „ xxiv Lieut. R. W.Collins.. .. .. „ xxiv Hatuma Settlement: Applicants waiting to be examined by Land Board .. „ 6 View in Hatuma Township Reserve .. „ 6 „ Settlement .. .. „ 6 The Mansion House, Hatuma .. „ 6 View in Hatuma Settlement: Looking east towards Waipukurau Township.. „ 6 View in Langdale Settlement .. „ 14 Flat Land, Langdale Settlement .. „ 14 Makareao Lime-works, Otago: General View .. .. .. .. „ 33 Makareao Lime-works, Otago : Process of filling Trucks with Limestone for the Kiln .. .. .. .. „ 33 Makareao Lime-works, Otago : Executing an Order .. .. .. „ 33


Page " Process " Illustrations— continued. Makareao Lime-works, Otago: Mouth of burning Kiln .. .. .. Facing p. 34 Punehu Bridge, Taranaki .. .. „ 72 Rotorua Electrical Installation : Fluming at Okeri Falls in course of Construction .. .. .. .. „ 124 Rotorua Electrical Installation: Turbine in position .. .. .. „ 124 Birds, Resolution Island .. .. „ 132 134 Mount Egmont .. .. .. „ 136 Views on the Way to Mount Egmont .. „ 136 Bell's Falls, Mount Egmont .. .. „ 136 Whakarewarewa Nursery .. .. „ 141 Waiotapu Plantation Camp .. .. „ 142 Maps, Plans, etc. — Map showing Kauri-gum Reserves Diagrams showing Kilns used for burning Papa Rock .. .. .. „ 71 Map showing Magnetic Stations in New Zealand .. .. .. .. „ 120 Topographical Plan of Mount Egmont and Pouakai Range, Taranaki .» „ 136 Plan of Eweburn State Forest Nursery „ 139 Tapanui „ „ „ 140 Rotorua „ „ „ 141 Diagrams illustrating measurement of Standard Chain .. .. .. „ 158 Map showing the state of the Public Surveys .. .. .. .. „ 228 Map showing Land Transactions, 1900--1901 .. .. .. .. „ 228 Map showing Road 3 to open Crown Lands for Sale .. .. .. „ 228