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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


General Repoet— Page Lands— Number of new Selectors and Area taken up during the Year .. .. .. ii Comparative Table showing number of Selectors and Area selected under Optional System for past Nine Years .. .. .. ii Comparative Summary of the Year's Operations under principal Tenures .. .. .. iii Table showing Progress of Settlement during past Ten Years .. .. .. .. iii Lands opened for Selection during the Year iii forfeitures and Surrenders .. .. iv Improved Farms .. .. .. .. iv Village Settlements .. .. .. iv Pastoral Settlements .. ... .. v Mining Districts Occupation .. .. v Agricultural Leases .. .. .. v Settlement Conditions .. .. .. v Crown Tenants' Rebate .. .. .. v Land for Settlements .... .. vi Cheviot Estate .. .. .. .. viii Landless Maoris .. .-. '.". .. viii Urewera Lands .■. .. .. .. viii Medical Assistance in Outlying Districts .. viii Territorial and other Revenue .. .. ix Arrears of Rent .. .. .. .. ix Forests .. .. .. .. .. ix Kauri-gum .. .. .. .. x Thermal Springs .. .. .. .. x Mount Cook and Hermitage House .. .. x Nuhaka Springs .. .. .. ' .. x Surveys— Summary of operations for the Year .. xi Trigonomeirieal and Topographical Surveys .. xi Rural and Suburban Surveys .. .. xi Town Surveys .. .. .. .. xi Native Land Court Surveys .. .. xi Gold-miniog Surveys .. .. .. xi Road Surveys .. .. .. .. xii Comparison of Year's Operations with those of previous Year .. .. .. .. xii Future Operations.. .. .. ~ xii The Standard Chain .. .. .. xii The Figure of the Earth .. .. .. xiii Magnetic Survey .. .. .. .. xiv Board of Examiners .. .. .. xiv Roade— Summary of Works constructed .. .. xiv Wanganui River .. .. .. .. xv

Head Office — p age Report of Chief Draughtsman .. ~ xv Chief Clerk ... .. .. xviii „ „ —Co-operative Labourers employed .. .. xix Report of Chief Accountant .. .. xix „ Auditor of Land Revenue .. .. xx Biography— Mr. Stephenson Percy Smith .. .. xxii Mr. James Pillans Maitland .. .. xxiv Mr. James Baldwin Bedward .. .. xxiv Officers who joined South African Contingents xxv Appendix I. — Land-settlement: Administration— Auckland — Summary of Land Transactions during the Year .. .. .. .. .. 1 Land for Settlements .. .. .. 3 Improved-farm Settlements .. .. 4 Lands available for future Settlement and Dispoeal .. .. .. .. 4 Hawke's Bay— Summary of Land Transactions during the Year.. .. .. .. .. 5 Improved-farm Settlements .. • -..■■■■■. 6 Land for Settlements .. .. .. 6 Taranaki— Summary of Land Transactions during the Year .. .. .. .. .. 7 Improvtd-farm Settlements .. .. 9 Wellington— Summary of Land Transactions during the Year.. .. .. .. .. 11 Improved-farm Settlements .. .. 14 Land for Settlements .. .. .. 15 Native Townships .. .. .. 15 Nelson— Summary of Land Transactions during the Year .. .. .. .. .. 16 Marl borough— Summary of Land Transactions during the Year .. .. .. .. .. 18 Land for Settlements .. .. .. 19 Westland— Summary of Land Transactions during the Year.. .. .. .. .. 20 Land for Settlements .. .. .. 21 Canterbury— Summary of Land Transactions during the Year .. .. .. .. .. 21 Crown Lands open for Selection .. .. 24 . Cheviot Estate .. .. .. ~ 24 Land for Settlements ~ .. „, - 25