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The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence : W. Carr (upholsterer), J. C. Thomson (president of the Industrial Association of Otago), J. W. Faulkner (wire-worker), J. B. Shacklock (ironfounder), J. Sparrow (ironfounder and general engineer), F. Mallard (insurance expert), Mark Cohen (journalist), and M. J. Scobie Mackenzie. The Commission adjourned at 5.30 p.m. until 10 a.m. next day.

Thursday, 14th February, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C., Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.R., Mr. W. S. Eeid, Mr. J. Roberts, C.M.G., Captain Russell, M.H.R., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.R. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence : Rev. W. Curzon-Siggers, M.A. (vicar of St. Matthew's, Dunedin), J. W. Milnes (manager of the Phoenix Company, Limited, jam- and biscuit-manufacturers), J. L. Passmore (managing director of Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company), T. W. Kempthorne (managing director of Kempthorne-Prosser's Drug Company), W. Stevenson (of Irvine and Stevenson, provision merchants and starch-manufacturers), F. Oakden (manager of the Millburn Lime and Cement Company), R. Hudson (of R. Hudson and Co., biscuit-manufac-turers), W. B. Reynolds (grain, seed, and produce merchant), J. R. Scott (manager of the National Dairying Association of New Zealand), J. Lethbridge (Dunedin manager for Dalgety and Co.), J. M. Ritchie (merchant, manager of the National Mortgage and Agency Company), and E. B. Cargill. The Commission adjourned at 5.30 p.m. until 10 a.m. on Monday, 18th February, at Christchurch.

CHRISTCHURCH. Monday, 18th February, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. W. S. Reid, Mr. J. Roberts, C.M.G., Captain Russell, M.H.R., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.R. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence": G. G. Stead (grain merchant), W. Recce (Mayor of Christchurch), H. Friedlander (grain, wool, and produce merchant, Ashburton), D. Thomas (grain, wool, and produce merchant, Ashburton), E. W. Roper (merchant), and G. T. Booth (implement-manufacturer). The Commission adjourned at 6 p.m. until 10 a.m. next day.

Tuesday, 19th February, 1901. • The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, U.L.G., Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.R., Mr. W. S. Reid, Mr. J. Roberts, C.M.G., Captain Russell, M.H.R., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.R. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence : R. Allan (of Skelton, Frostick, and Co., boot-manufacturers, and president of the Industrial Association), W. Chrystall (grain merchant), G. H. Blackwell (managing director of the Kaiapoi Woollen-factory), R. E. McDougall (vicepresident of the Industrial Association), W. Wood (tanner and produce exporter, and president of the Chamber of Commerce), H. Wood (flour-miller), H. F. Wigram (maltster), J. Gould (merchant), G. Humphries (merchant), and G. S. Jakins (produce exporter). The Commission adjourned at 5.30 p.m. until 10 a.m. the next day.

Wednesday, 20th February, 1901. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: Hon. Colonel Pitt, M.L.C. (in the chair), Mr. H. Beauchamp, Hon. C. C. Bowen, M.L.C, Mr. T. W. Leys, Mr. C. M. Luke, Mr. J. A. Millar, M.H.R., Mr. W. S. Reid, Mr. J. Roberts, C.M.G., Captain Russell, M.H.R., and Hon. Major Steward, M.H.R. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. G. S. Jakins attended and gave further evidence. The following gentlemen attended and gave evidence : Hon. Sir J. Hall, K.C.M.G., A. W. Beaven (of Andrews and Beaven, implement-manufacturers), J. S. Myers (farmer), J. A. McCullough (tinsmith, and president of the Trades and Labour Council), J. Young (bootmaker), A. E. G. Rhodes (barrister and solicitor), W. Newton (upholsterer), and J. L. Scott (engineer). The Commission adjourned at 5.45 p.m. until 10 a.m. next day.