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I. Commission ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... v. 11. Eepoet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vii. 111. Minutes op Proceedings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxv. IV. Witnesses examined .... ... ... ... ... ... ... xli. V. Evidence ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 VI. Appendices :— Exhibit 1. Eeturn of Wages in various Trades in the Colonies ... ... ... 707 „ 2. Eeturn of Wages in various Trades in Victoria ... ... 708 „ 3. Eeturn of Wages in various Trades in New South Wales ... ... 712 „ 4. Union Bate of Wages in New South Wales ... ... ... 717 „ 5. Number of Persons employed in various Trades in New South Wales... 718 „ 6. Number of Persons employed in various Trades in Victoria .., ... 719 7. Number of Chinese employed in the Furniture Trade in Sydney ... 719 „ 8. Horse-power and Value of Plant in the Manufactories of New Zealand and Australia ... ... ... ... ... ... 720 „ 9. Value of Production of the Manufactories of New Zealand and Australia 720 „ 10. Total Value of Production of all Industries of New Zealand and Australia, and the Total Value distributed among the various Industries ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 720 „ 11. General Statistics of New Zealand and Australia ... ... ... 721 „ 12. Agricultural Statistics of New Zealand and Australia ... ... 723 „ 13. Agricultural Statistics of Victoria for 1900-1 ... ... ... 724 „ 14. Value of Sugar imported from Fiji and Australia, and Duty paid thereon 725 „ 15. Exports from Provincial Districts of New Zealand to (1) the Commonwealth, and (2) the World ... ... ... ... ... 726 „ 16. Exports from New Zealand to (1) the Commonwealth, and (2) the World ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 735 „ 17. Imports to Provincial Districts of New Zealand from (1) the Commonwealth, and (2) the World ... ... ... ... ... 736 „ 18. Imports to New Zealand from (1) the Commonwealth, and (2) the World ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 745 „ 19. Interchange of Trade between New Zealand and the separate States of the Commonwealth ... ... ... ... ... ... 746 „ 20. Interchange of Trade between New Zealand and the Commonwealth ... 748 „ 21. Tabular Statement of Exports of New Zealand Produce to the various States of the Commonwealth ••■ ... ... ... ... 749 „ 22. Tabular Statement of Imports to New Zealand of Produce of the various States of the Commonwealth ... ... ... ... ... 750 „ 23. Value of Imports and Exports of New Zealand from and to each Country and State for 1899 and 1900 .... ... ... ... 751 „ 24. Due Dates and Bates of Interest on State Loans on 30th June, 1899 ... 753 „ 25. Letter from B. L. Nash, Financial Editor of Sydney Daily Telegraph... 755 „ 26. Letter and Tables from E. M. Johnston, Begistrar - General and Statistician, Tasmania ... ... ... ... ... 755 „ 27. Letter from the Secretary, Trades Hall, Dunedin ... ... ... 757 „ 28. Eesolutions carried by the Otago Knights of Labour ... ... 757 „ 29. Letter from the Secretary, Workers' Political Committee, Dunedin ... 759 „ 30. Memorandum by His Honour the Chief Justice of New Zealand on Appeals from the Appeal Court of New Zealand ... ... ... 759 „ 81. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act ... ... ... 760 „ 32. Letter from W. T. Glasgow, with Customs Eevenue, 1900-1901 ... 774 VII. Index ... 775