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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

• ' 19i U-2. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. VOTE No. 16— continued. Expenses under "The Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877 " Expenses of Assessment Courts under " The Rating Act, 1894" £ 20 21 10 22 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 81 32 38 34 85 Expenses connected with Licensing Committee elections (amounts to be recovered from local bodies concerned) Expenses in connection with consolidation of New Zealand statutes Expenses, Royal Commission on Federation Federation Commission : Additional allowance whilst in Australia to Commissioners who were members of the General Assembly, anything contained in " The Disqualification Act, 1878," or "The Public Kevenues Act, 1892," to the contrary notwithstanding Fire appliances in Exhibition Fire-brigades Annual Conference, 1902, grant-in-aid Fire-brigade delegates attending Conference in 1902, Railway passes for Fire-brigade delegates attending Conference in 1901, Railway passes for Friendly Societies' Reserve, Dunedin, Rent of Gas and water for various Government buildings, &c Grant to swimming associations for encouragement of swimming Grant to the widow of the late Sir John McKenzie, Minister of Lands Grant for encouragement of swimming in schools Grant to Right Hon. the Premier for expenses conuected with the representation of the colony at the coronation of His Majesty Edward VII. Imperial Institute expenses Legal assistance in connection with Counties Bill New Zealand Flora New Zealand Institute, Grant to Payment to Mrs. Fiudt, as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee of 1900 Payment to Reuter's Telegram Company for special telegrams Pension of late Provincial Government, Nelson : Mrs. Robinson's three daughters ... Purchase of and expenses connected with Maori antiquities Purchase of an auxiliary oil-engine schooner for Cook and other islands Railway charges in connection with visit of Imperial and Indian troops (additional) Reading-room, Half-moon Bay Representing colony at inauguration of Commonwealth of Australia at Sydney Representing colony at opening of Commonwealth Parliament at Melbourne Royal Humane Society of New Zealand, grant-in-aid ... Salary of Resident, Rarotonga, Cook Islands Sir George Grey's statue Telegrams beyond the colony ... General contingencies 442 250 250 250 600 25 550 400 2 ,000 32 1,500 150 50 300 500 283 100 3,800 86 87 88 39 40 188 41 300 42 100 -iS 500 44 5,100 45 1,000 50 46 47 337 48 365 100 500 1,000 4,500 4,500 49 50 51 52 53 Total —Vote No. 10 ... 111,870 TOTAL OF CLASS II. £23 .,839