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£8,248 12s. 6d. Twenty-five houses have been built, and four whares, and thirty-six of the settlers residing. 154J acres are in crop, the remainder being in gardens, orchard, and grass. Waimarie.—A settlement in the Poverty Bay district, near G-isborne : it was open for selection in September, 1896. It contains 430-| acres, which was taken up by eighteen selectors. Sixteen selectors are now on the settlement, holding 393 acres, at an annual rental of £427 Is., and one section of 28 acres is not selected. The improvements effected to date are of a value of £1,270 16s. 6d., being £856 16s. in excess of the requirements of the Act. Eleven houses have been erected, and eleven selectors are residing. 195 acres are in crop, chiefly maize, pumpkins, and potatoes. The stock consists of 26 horses, 109 cows, and 1,068 sheep. The settlers and their families residing on the block number twenty-four. The settlement has made fair progress. Pouparae. —A settlement near Gisborne, Poverty Bay. It was opened for selection in April, 1897. It contains 338 acres, taken up by nine selectors, at an annual rental of £405 Bs. All the selectors are now in occupation, and have effected improvements to the value of £9lO 2s. 6d., being £504 14s. 6d. in excess of the requirements of the Act. The area in crop is 30 acres, the remainder being in pasture. About three miles and a half of fencing has been put up, and six houses erected. Six selectors are residing. The stock consists of 10 horses, 40 cows, and 350 sheep. The settlers and their families residing on the block number eighteen. This settlement is making fair progress. Tomoana. —A settlement near Hastings, being portion of the Primley Estate. It was opened for settlement in March, 1898, and taken up by thirteen selectors, at an annual rental of £135 2s. All the original selectors are now in occupation, and have effected improvements to the value of £2,043 17s. 6d., as against £135 required by the Act. Eleven houses have been built, and ten selectors are residing. Pifty-nine acres are in crop, the balance being in gardens, orchards, and grass. Mahora. —This settlement is also near Hastings, adjoining Eaureka and Tomoana, being also portion of the Primley Estate. It was opened for selection in March, 1899. It contains 1,134 acres, subdivided into thirty-four sections, all of which were selected. At present thirty-three selectors are in occupation, holding 1,112 acres 1 rood 35 perches, at an annual rental of £1,631 14s. 6d. They have effected improvements to the value of £3,825 Bs. 6d., as against £826 Bs. required by the Act, which shows very satisfactory progress. Twenty-one houses have been erected. Twenty-two settlers are residing on the block. Willows. —A settlement in Poverty Bay, near Gisborne. It was purchased from the Bank of New Zealand and opened for selection in March, 1899. Twenty-two selectors are now on the block, holding the whole area—viz., 775 acres 1 rood 36 perches—at an annual rental of £758 10s. 2d. The improvements effected to date are of a value of £1,020 10s., being £641 4s. Id. in excess of the requirements of the Act, which shows fair progress. The area under crop is 195 acres, chiefly of maize, pumpkins, and potatoes, the remainder being in gardens and pasture. Nine houses have been erected, and eight miles and three-quarters of fencing put up. The stock consists of 26 horses, 109 cows, and 1,068 sheep. General.—The settlements generally are making satisfactory progress. The value of improvements effected is £48,550 15s. 6d.; required by the Act, £12,105 15s. 7d.: being an excess of £36,444 19s. lid., which shows a very satisfactory progress. Eric C. Gold Smith, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

TAEANAKI. The land transactions for the year ended 31st March, 1900, are shown in the subjoined summary :


Number Revenue Class of Selection. of Area. received during Sections. the Year. A. E. P. £ s. d. Cash 58 2,529 1 36 3,070 5 5 Deferred payment made freehold 34 5,215 3 1 3,859 15 6 Perpetual lease ... 1,910 13 6 Perpetual lease made freehold 41 11,157 1 23 10,164 12 4 Occupation with right of purchase ... 51 26,443 3 0 2,637 13 7 Lease in perpetuity 47 13,377 0 30 2,656 12 6 Village settlements— Occupation with right of purchase ... 3 6 0 Lease in perpetuity 1 23' 2 30 5 17 7 Special settlements—Lease in perpetuity 1,014 8 8 Improved-farm settlements 28 2,522" 0 11 816 16 0 Small grazing-runs 8 10,064 0 0 279 17 5 Miscellaneous leases 8 96 1 18 311 0 5 Survey-vote 59 1 9 Crown-grant fees ... 130 8 0 Pariroa Native Eeserve rents 668 19-7 Miscellaneous 54 7 0 Transfer lease and license fees 190 16 0 Totals 276 71,429 2 29 27,834 11 3