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BXTEACTS FROM THE REPORTS OE THE COMMISSIONERS OE CROWN LANDS ON SETTLEMENT OPERATIONS DURING THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED THE 31st MARCH, 1900. AUCKLAND. The appended summary of the land transactions in this district for the past financial year shows steady progress, though the volume of settlement has not come up to my estimate, owing to the unavoidable delay in opening for settlement the large areas of Crown lands in the Kawhia County, which I had anticipated would come within the past financial year, but instead of that they were not available for the public until April. In spite of this, some 529 selectors under the various tenures have had allotted to them 93,967 acres, exclusive of endowment lands, whilst the total revenue received has been £44,295 3s. 10d., or some £11,503 Is. 4d. over my estimate. This was chiefly owing to large sales of white-pine or kahikatea timber growing in the Tokatoka district, and of kauri timber in the Northern Wairoa and other districts.

Summary of Land Transactions during the Year 1899-1900.

I—C. 1.


Class of Selection. Transactions during the Year. Leasehold Area held on 31st March. 1900. T?.AVArin A received during Number. Area. Number. Area. the Year. Cash — A. B. P. A. R. p. £ s. d. Town ... 25 25 1 21 Suburban 10 24 2 30 Eural ... 77 8,338 3 27 Total cash 112 *8,388 3 38 5,079 7 1 Deferred payment... 140 16,380' 2 0 964 4 8 Perpetual lease 583 131,118 2 0 3,290 11 5 Perpetual lease, freehold 33 7,373 3 3 4,115 5 2 Occupation, right of purchase 175 39,073 0 27 1,263 238,463 2 7 3,901 19 9 Lease in perpetuity 116 +17,893 2 17 717 132,583 1 37 2,360 12 3 Lease in perpetuity under 40 17,029 0 7 131 21,870 3 36 3,270 18 1 Land for Settlements " Mining Districts Land Occu35 1,272 3 2 66 3,010 3 3 22 2 6 pation Act, 1894 " Agricultural lease 1 20 2 0 ... Village - homestead special ... ... 104 4,135 0 1 311 12 6 settlement Special - settlement associa- ... 96 16,335 1 0 267 6 1 tions Improved-farm settlements ... 1 130 0 0 58 5,558 0 10 268 6 4 Homesteads 16 1,733 0 13 Small grazing-runs 2 8,300' 0 0 11 65,508 2 0 423" 1 11 Pastoral runs 2 100 0 0 20 110,560 0 27 602 8 10 Miscellaneous leased lands for 2 9 0 2 9 160 2 31 69 5 9 settlement year to year Miscellaneous leases 10 3,517 0 6 75 14,913 3 31 2,601 10 1 Royalty on coal 27,776-7 tons 418 6 11 ( 144,687,410 su p. ft.) „ timber 100 sleepers 580 cords firewo „ a } 13,181 9 0 „ flax I 1 880 0 0) 10 tons J 16 15 0 Thermal springs ... 212 5,413 0 26 1,081 11 8 Subsidy for roads paid by 224 17 6 counties Tokatoka Tramway 75 3 4 Other sources 1,748 8 0 Total 529 93,967 1 22 3,502 767,766 0 22 44,295 3 10 * Including 89 acres sold for scrip. t Including 42 sections (3,410 acres 3 roods 19 perches) exchanged from other tenures. } Inoluding nine sections (1,371 acres 2 roods 10 perohes) reallotted during the year.