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Plans and specifications of the following bridges have been drawn and printed, namely: Maruwhenua, Glenroy, Dee Creek, and Tuakau. There has been a large out-turn of work in the photo-lithographic office, the number of pulls from the three machines being over two millions—2,oB9,632 —of which 171,500 is increase over the previous year. The total number of complete copies printed was 1,170,227, the hand-presses contributing 36,075 of that number. 1,878 lithographic stones have been used. The number of subjects taken in hand and finally disposed of has been 1,249 ; number of plate transfers pulled, 86. The alterations designed to facilitate the transport of lithographic stones from the stone-grinding troughs to the various rooms will be carried out during the coming summer. 3?or sets-off, corrections, additions, touching-up, hill-drawing, tinting and etching, 664 lithographic stones have been prepared for the lithographic draughtsman. 122 photographs have been improved for photographing as "process" illustrations. 8 wash drawings of landscape and other views have been made. 5 negatives have been retouched. Number of maps, tracings, and photographs mounted, 824. In the photographic gallery Mr. Ross and assistant have been fully employed. The extradepartmental work, both of line and " process " negatives, has grown to large proportions, while the work of this department has expanded at a rapid pace. The number and measurement of line negatives taken are as follows, viz. :83 of 24in. by 24 in., 178 of 16 in. by 16 in., and 113 of 18 in. by 24 in. The number of " process " negatives taken amounted to .154 ; the number of silver prints prepared, 650. The internal arrangements of the gallery would be improved by the introduction of a reflector, as the vagaries of the weather frequently necessitate the postponement of important work. The general abstract of work done in the photo-lithographic office and the photographic gallery is given in the tabular statement below.

Lithographic Printing and Photographing.

Abstract of Lithographs printed during the Twelve Months. Copies. Head Office ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,170,227 Auckland Office ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,550 Dunedin Office ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,805 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,177,582 Correspondence. Mr. W. 8. Short, Chief Clerk reports The correspondence inwards amounted to 21,241, and outwards to 19,200, making a total of 40,441 letters and telegrams, besides parcels and letters containing printed matter, of which no


Department. Printing. Photographing. Number of C Copies pr By Machine. /omplete nted. By Hand. Number of Impressions taken. Number of Separate Printings. Number of Line Negatives. Number of " Process " Negatives. Number of Bromides. Number of Silver Prints. Lands and Survey 762,670 27,332 1,463,417 1,256 247 84 4 108 Mines 56,040 179 66,969 47 21 29 Public Works ... 44,942 5,228 108,395 298 29 20 Marine 165,225 1,540 192,715 98 34 6 Postal and Telegraph ... 4,550 16,150 6 4 Public Trust .... 700 , 1,400 4 Begistrar-General 10,000 55,000 2 3 Education 286 316 5 Agricultural and Stock ... 20,000 20 38,020 12 "ii 4 Police... 48 Railway 51,150 "60 116,410 16 "io 15 Customs 700 700 1 60 Defence 230 230 2 9 105 Government Insurance... 3,000 3,000 1 Government Printer 2,070 7,530 8 "5 Legislative 3,075 7,800 6 1 Meteorological 730 1,080 3 Premier's 10,000 "500 10,500 5 Totals 1,134,152 36,075 2,089,632 1,770 374 154 4 325