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No. 13. The Treasury. The Audit Office, for the reasons already explained to-day, does not regard the Governor in Council as authorised to direct that any surplus on any appropriation under section 3 of the Public Revenues Amendment Act of 1896 should be applied in aid of any other appropriation in the same class, and cannot therefore pass the transfer requisition now presented to carry out the Order in Council. There is the other ground of objection, that the Order in Council is, as also already explained, at fault in directing a surplus to be applied in aid of " Suspense Account." Audit Office, 27th June, 1900. J. K. Warburton, C and A.-G.

Words " and Suspense Account" struck out, as the Audit Office raise an objection to their inclusion.—J.B.H., 27th June, 1900.

In Executive Council. His Excellency the Administrator of the Government is recommended to sign the attached Order in Council declaring that a credit requisition for £20,000 and the charges therein, which the Audit Office has declined to pass, are according to law. E. J. Seddon. Approved in Council.—B. 27/6/1900. J. F. Andrews, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.

Banfurly, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this twenty-seventh day of June, 1900. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas the Audit Office has declined to pass the credit requisition specified in the Schedule hereto, on the ground that the charges therein are not according to law: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers in this behalf conferred upon him by " The Public Bevenues Act, 1891," His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, and having before him the opinion of the Solicitor-General (the office of the Attorney-General being vacant), doth hereby determine the matter in dispute by declaring that the said credit requisition and the charges therein are according to law.

Schedule. 27th June, 1900, credit for £20,000. J. F. Andrews, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.

The Audit Office. Order in Council under section 53 of " The Public Bevenues Act, 1891," now submitted, also requisition.—Jas. B. Heywood, 28th June, 1900.

Credit. ionsolidated Fund, — Class 13, Minister of Defence, Vote South Africa Contingent Class 15, Department of Lands and Survey, Vote Lands and Survey (ead-Suoponoo Aooount) J.B.H. Jnder Ordei in Council, dated 26th June, 1900 (T. 1900/1052). £ 15,000 £ £ 389 5,000 20,000 406 ionsolidated Fund, — Class 13, Minister of Defence, Vote Miscellaneous Services Class 15, Department of Lands and Survey Debit. 15,000 5,000 393 415 20,000