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Class Xll.—Defence. State of Votes. Dr. Permanent Militia and Volunteers ... ... ... ... ... 4,036 19 7 South Africa Vote ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,422 8 1 South Africa, Suspense Account ... ... ... ... ... 9,382 510 Or. Miscellaneous services ... ... ... ... ... ... 23,720 10 9 Class XV. —Lands. Dr. Lands and Survey ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,192 2 9 Gr. Miscellaneous services ... ... ... ... ... ... 13,361 3 5 The Accountant—Transfer £15,000 and £5,000; prepare Order in Council.—J.B.H., 20th June, 1900.

No. 2. [Form of Order in Council "for Year ending 31st March," showing alterations made for purpose of period ending 30th June, 1900.] Governor. ORDEE IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this day of June, 1900. Present: His Excellency the Goveenoe in Council. His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the fortieth section of "The Public Bevehues Act, 1891," and of all the powers enabling him in that behalf, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth direct that the several sums mentioned in the Schedule hereto, being surplus upon the several votes therein mentioned, shall be applied in aid of the several votes set opposite to each such sum respectively.

Schedule. Appropriations for the period ending 30th June, 1900.

The above-mentioned sums are unexpended surplus on the several votes named. Controller and Auditor-General. Clerk of the Executive Council.

No. 3. The Audit Office. Submitted for your certificate.—Jas. B. Heywood, 20th June, 1900. The Treasury. The 40th section of the Public Be venues Act provides only that " The Governor in Council may direct that any surplus on any vote on the estimates may be applied in aid of any other vote in the same class." Consequently, if, during the space of three months after the commencement of the financial year [following that] for which such vote on the estimates is passed, the issue and payment of moneys is not authorised by a vote on the estimates, the section would appear to be imporati¥O [inoperative] for the time. 21st June, 1900. J. K. Waebueton, C. and A.-G. The Audit Office. I eegeet I cannot understand above memo. Will you kindly explain at greater length.— Jas. B. Heywood, 21st June, 1900. The word "imperative" should have been "inoperative."— J. K. Waebubton, C. and A.-G.— 2lst June, 1900.

Surplus. In Aid of. Glass. Vote. Amount. Class. Vote. Amount. XIII. Miscellaneous services £ 15,000 XIII. South Africa Contingent and Suspense Account Department of Lands and Survey £ 15,000 XV. Miscellaneous services 5,000 XV. 5,000