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Offences against the Person. 3. Any man committing adultery with a married woman may, on conviction, be fined not exceeding a hundred dollars, and in default of payment may be sentenced to not more than two months' hard labour on the public roads : Provided always that the Judge, in his discretion, may sentence the offender to sixty days' hard labour without the option of a fine. 4. No person shall be punished for an act of fornication with an unmarried woman above the age of fifteen years; but any-man carnally knowing any girl under the age of fifteen years and above the age of twelve years shall be liable to a fine of not more than ten dollars. Any man carnally knowing or attempting to know any girl under the age of twelve years shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and shall be committed for trial before the High Court. 5. Any person who shall have carnal connection with a female by force or against her will, and any one who shall attempt to have such connection by force, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and shall be committed for trial before the High Court. No female under the age of twelve years shall be capable of giving her consent to such carnal connection, and no man shall plead such consent: Provided always that no one shall be convicted of the crime of rape on the unsupported testimony of the girl. 6. Any person convicted of the crime of incest may be fined not exceeding twenty dollars, and in addition to such fine maybe sentenced to not exceeding two months hard labour on the public roads. 7. Any person convicted of slandering his neighbour may be fined not exceeding ten dollars. 8. Any person bearing false witness in the District Courts of Mangaia with intent to injure any man or woman may be fined not exceeding twenty dollars, and in addition to such fine may be sentenced to not exceeding thirty days' hard labour on the public roads. 9. Whosoever shall assault any police officer or member of the Government with his fists shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding ten dollars, and whosoever shall use a stick in an assault under this section shall be liable to be fined not exceeding twenty dollars. 10. Whosoever shall assault any man, woman, or child other than those mentioned in section 9 may, if the assault be committed with the fists, be fined not exceeding five dollars, and if with a stick not exceeding twelve dollars. 11. Any person committing a violent assault with an axe or other weapon dangerous to life shall be committed for trial before the High Court. 12. Whosoever shall use insulting language to another, calculated to cause a breach of the peace, shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine of not exceeding five dollars. Offences against Property. 13. Any persons stealing pigs, food, or other small articles of property may be ordered to pay the value thereof to the owner, and, in addition, may be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than ten dollars : Provided always that where the property can be returned intact to the owner no money shall be paid to him as compensation. 14. Every person owning pig, horse, horned cattle, or goat is liable for all damage done by those animals, and may be summoned before the District Judge to answer for damage done. The Judge may, in his discretion, authorise the injured person to destroy the trespassing animal upon any repetition of the offence. 15. Any person maliciously burning down the house or outbuildings of another, or attempting to do so, may be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or, in lieu thereof, may be sentenced to a term of two months' imprisonment. , 16. Any one setting fire to the bush or scrub of the island may be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or, at the discretion of the Judge, may be sentenced to two months' hard labour. 17. Any person taking the horse of another without leave and using the said horse for his own work shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding ten 'dollars. 18. Any one wounding any bird or arfimal the property of another shall be liable to a fine of not more than ten dollars. 19. Any one illegally in possession of lost property may be deemed to have stolen it, and shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding seven dollars, and shall be ordered to deliver up the lost goods forthwith. A person shall be held to be illegally in possession of lost property who cannot prove that he has taken steps to ascertain the owner thereof. Miscellaneous. . 20. Any man deserting his wife and children for another woman shall be amenable to the law, and at the discretion of the Judge may be ordered to contribute weekly in money or produce towards their support: Provided always that in every case where a wife is deserted by her husband for another woman, or a wife deserts her husband for another man, the injured person may claim to be divorced by the High Court. 21. In all cases where the ownership of land is the matter of dispute, or a question of boundary has arisen, the Judge shall visit the land and there take the evidence of the old people of the district in order that the dispute may be decided with justice to all parties : Provided always that either party may claim to have the case reheard before the Chief Judge of the High Court and two Assessors, one of whom shall be chosen by each of the parties to the suit. . 22. Whereas the introduction of spirituous or intoxicating liquor has always been contrary to the laws of Mangaia. Any person who shall import wine, spirits, or beer into the Island of Mangaia, except for medicinal purposes on the order of the Resident Surgeon of the Cook Islands Hospital, shall be liable on conviction to a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars. Any person who shall sell or give intoxicating liquor to any person residing within the Island of Mangaia shall be liable on conviction to a fine of not exceeding forty dollars: Provided always that no man shall be punished by reason of his having purchased or consumed intoxicating drink on board of any vessel in the offing.