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Appropriations for the State Forests Account.

Minister if Lands. 1900-1. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 117.—State Forests Branch of the Lands and Survey Department £ 850 £ 7,345 £ 8,195 TOTAL OF CLASS XIX. . 850 ,345 8,195 tern. 19' 0-1. STATE FORESTS BRANCH OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. £ 1900-1. Total number of officers ... 5 VOTE No. 117. State Fobests Branch of the Lands and Subtkt Department— Salaries — Chief Forester 4 Assistant Foresters and Nursery Overseers 250 600 850 2 3 4 5 6 Other Charges — Clearing, &c, plantations, Albury Estate ... Fencing, Buildings, Planting, Material, &e,— Eweburn Nursery ... ... £850 Tapanui Nursery .. ... 1,100 Rotorua Nursery ... ... 1,200 New Plantations ... ... 3,000 75 7 8 6,150 500 9 10 11 12 Management and contingent expenses : State forests ... Planting reserves, Mackenzie County (from rents of reserves) State Forests Reserve, Makuri, &c, fencing, &c. Tokaanu Springs Reserve : Paths and planting Travelling allowances and expenses Wanaka Island Domain improvements 200 95 100 200 25 7,345 Total —Vote No. 117 ... 8,195 TOTAL OF CLASS XIX. 195