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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. 19( •0-1. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. VOTE No. 73— continued. Remission of three instalments of purchase-money, Section 136, Onewhero Remission of rent to Mrs. Lawry, Section 56, Pahiatua West Village Settlement Remission of rent to Mrs. E. E. Dunning, Section 6, Block XV., Makuri Remission of \ per cent, rental on leases and leases in perpetuity under " The Land Act, 1892 " Remission of rent to C. Hayes, Section 1, Block I., Mount Cerberus, &c. Remission of rent to Mrs. Porteous, Section 9, Block II., Mount Cerberus Remission of rent and interest to Mrs. Cooper, Section 4, Block IV., Mangahao Resumption of reserve, Section 463, Ashhurst (payment for improvements) Resumption of Section 21, Hanmer Springs Reserve (valuation fop improvements) Resumption of part of Section 77, Tikorangi, for scenic purposes Resumption of Sections 5 and 7, Block XI., Manganui, for a road Sanatorium Expenses — Hanmer, Maintenance of houses and grounds and amusements Hanmer, Additions to ... ... Hanmer Post-office (new building) Hanmer Hot Springs maintenance Rotorua, Maintenance Tokaanu, Maintenance ... .. .;. Te Puia, Maintenance Scenery advertisement and promotion of tourist traffic South Westland mail-steamer subsidy, monthly service Subsidy for steamer on Lake Manapouri ... Subsidy to doctors in outlying districts ... Subsidy to Doctor, Hanmer Hot Springs ... Subsidy to Doctor, Te Aroha Springs Subsidy to Auckland Institute for conservation of Little Barrier Island Subsidy for steamer, Lake Te Anau Subsidy for steamer, Lake Wanaka Subsidy for steamer, Wanganui River Subsidy towards purchase of land for cemetery at Belfast ... ... Supply of fish- ova and acclimatisation offish, animals, &c. Tongariro National Park—Hut and expenses of Board Village-homestead settlers' arrears In satisfaction of 110 naval and military claims recommended for payment in Commissioner's Report, H.-13. 1898 £ '£ 54 55 16 50 18 57 64 58 3,457 50 20 GO 17 01 13 62 29 68 154 04 10 44 65 800 400 400 500 200 100 100 ' 300 250 50 400 100 50 Sβ 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 7t 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 200 200 50 400 8;? 8,4 85 86 100 300 200 L00 60 Total Vote No. 73 20,982 TOTAL OF CLASS XVI. Jβ! ,450