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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

:em. 19 •0-1. DBPAETMENT OF LANDS AND SUEVET— continued. £ H VOTE No. 72 — continued. Salabies — continued. Southland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands 2 Assistant Surveyors : 1 at £230, 1 at £120 5 Draughtsmen: 1 (Chief) at £280, 1 at £275, 1 at £240, 2 at £205 5 Clerks : 1 at £245, 1 at £230, 1 at £156, 1 at £130, 1 at £100 3 Cadets: 1 at £70, 1 at £60, 1 at £50 .. 3 Rangers : 1 at £260, 1 at £25, 1 at £10 . 475 350 1,205 861 180 295 3,366 12 18 14 15 16 17 IS Otheb Chakgeb— Equipment and "Wages (Staff) Temporary Surveyors and Parties Contract and Schedule Surveys Surveys: Landless Natives, &c. Native Land Purchase Surveys Travelling-expenses Instruments, Machinery, Paper, and other Office Eequisites Advertising, Printing, and Binding Eent of Offices Commission on Money-orders ... Temporary assistance Cadets' lodging-allowance Fuel, light, Ac. Contingencies 64,268 18,000 20,000 2,000 2.000 2,000 5,000 3.000 1.200 500 600 15,000 500 400 3,000 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 73,200 Less estimated Credits under section 41 of " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891" 137,468 10,000 Total—Vote No. 72 127,46; MISCELLANEOUS 8EEVICES. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 73. Accommodation-house, Clinton' —Subsidy for building... Accommodation-house, Conway Accommodation-house, Te Anau —Grant in aid, building Accommodation-house, Waikaremoana Arrears of rent remitted Arrears of rates due by Crown tenants (section 124, " Land Act, 1892 " Amount embezzled by H. A. Eversleigh, temporary clerk Amount lost by E. E. Webb, Road Surveyor, by upsetting of canoe, Eangitaiki Eiver Assistance to invalids —Passages to hot springs Assistance to maintain accommodation-house at Lake Manapouri Balnealogist and expenses Board of Examiners of Surveyors Bridgewater Eecreation-ground contribution Cottage Hospital, Tatakopa 200 600 200 400 100 100 418 9 10 114 40 11 12 18 14 50 1,000 50 100 250