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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;em. 19i •0-1. MISCELLAN EOTTS SERVICES—eontfmwerf. £ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 VOTE No. 69— continued. Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late T. H. Sewell, Assistant Defence Storekeeper ... Compassionate allowance of 2s. 2d. per diem to James Hamblyn, injured in Maori War Compensation to Officers and Non-commissioned Officers on retirement from service Entertaining and reception of returned rdembers of Contingents Explosives Act Amendment Act, 1897, Expenses in connection with . Gymnasiums for Volunteers ... Passages and Expenses of Military Officers sent to England for Instruction Passages from England of Officers and Non-commis-sioned Officers as Instructors Passages to England of Mrs. and Miss Penton —Balance Passages of four Armourer Sergeants from England Passages of six Non-commissioned Officers to England Pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Ford Pension of late I , . Gγ. Rawson, continued to his Widow Pension to Aperahama Tahumirangi for wounds received while in the service of the New Zealand Government Pensions to Recipients of N.Z. Cross Proportion of Salaries of two Inspectors of Explosives Proportion of Salary and Expenses of Imperial Officer in London as Inspector of Warlike Stores Purchase of vessels for submarine mining ... Purchase, Ac, of Medals Purchase of Small-arms Ammunition Eebuilding the Sea-wall of the Military Cemetery at Tauranga, Moiety of expenses Repairs, &c, to Military Graveyards Repairs to Machinery and Hulls of Steam-launches and Torpedo-boats Bifle-shooting Competitions Expenses ... ... Special allowance to ex-Constable Packer, for serious permanent injuries received in the service Special allowance to ex-Constable Miles Leighton, for serious permanent injuries received in the service ... School of Instruction and expenses of outdoor tactical exercises Volunteer Camps of Instruction Wairau Massacre Monument (improvement of grounds) Amount lost by default of late Magazine Keeper, Mount Eden 338 40 500 1,000 300 300 400 500 92 160 240 46 45 10 140 109 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 190 1-1,000 150 30,000 33 34 75 100 35 36 700 700 37 40 38 30 39 40 41 1,000 5,000 50 * 223 58,065 Total Vote No. 6& TOTAL OF CLASS XIV. £287,434