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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;em. 1900-1. 2,122 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 61— continued. Auckland Section — continued. Traffic— 29 Stationmasters : 1 at £275, 2 at £210,1 at £200,1 at £190, 8 at £180, 6 at £170, 3 at £160, 1 at £155, 7 at £150, 4 at £140 per annum 2 Relieving Clerks : 1 at £190, 1 at £150 per annum ... 1 Traffic Inspector at £210 per annum 22 Clerks: 1 at £230, 1 at £190, 3 at £180, 4 at £150, 11 at £140, 2 at £120 per annum 28 Cadets: 7 at £110, 5 at £60, 5 at £50, 11 at £40 £ 4,890 340 210 3,340 per annum Lodging Allowance: 5 at 3/6, 4 at 5/, 7 at 8/ per week 1,760 2 Foremen : 1 at £180, 1 at £360 per annum 19 G-uards: 4 at 10/, 15 at 8/6 per day ... 4 Signalmen : 1 at 9/, 3 at 8/6 per day 2Storemen: 1 at 9/, 1 at 8/6 per day 1 Horse-driver at 7/6 per day 7 Shunters: 1 at 10/, 1 at 8/, 5 at 7/6 per day 1 Shunter and Acting-Guard at 7/6 and 8/ per day 1 Night watchman at 42/ per week 2 Crossing-keepers at 6/ per day 1 Female Waiting-room Attendant at 30/ per week 8 Porters and Acting-Guards: 7 at 7/6 and 8/6, 1 at 7/6 and 8/per day 51 Porters: 7 at 7/6, 2 at 7/, 19 at 6/6, 2 at 6/, 3 at 5/6, 2 at 5/, 2 at 4/6, 5 at 4/, 9 at 3/6 per day 243 340 2,621 540 274 117 869 125 110 188 78 1,056 4,523 21,624 Wellington-Napfkb-Nkw Plymouth Section, 1900-1— 451 miles. Maintenance — 5 Inspectors : 2 at £260, 2 at £230, lat £200 per annum 3 Foremen of Works: 1 at £235, 1 at £230, 1 at £210 53,744 4 1,180 per annum 1 Bridge Inspector at £190 per annum 78 Gangers: 7 at 9/, 1 at 8/6, 65 at 8/, 5 at 7/6 per day 248 Platelayers : 14 at 7/, 229 at 6/6, 2 at 6/, 1 at 5/6, 1 at 5/, I at 3/6 per day 675 190 9,844 25,235 37,124 Locomotive — 6 Running-shed Foremen : I at £290, 1 at £260, 4 at £210 per annum 3 Car and Wagon Inspectors : 1 at £240, 1 at £200 1 at £200 (part time) per annum 1 Clerk (part-time) at £150 per annum 1 Cadet at £110 per annum 1 Labourer at 5/ per day 55 Enginemen: 1 at 13/, 15 at 12/, 39 a,t 11/ per day... 77 Firemen: 7 at 9/ and 11/,20 at 9/ and 10/6, 5 at 9/, 6 at 8/6 and 10/, 39 at 8/ per day 55 Cleaners: 1 at 7/ and 8/, 4 at 6/6 and 8/, 4 at 6/ and 8/, 2 at 6/, 3 at 5/6 and 8/, 1 at 5/6 and 7/6, 1 at 5/6, I at 5/ and 7/6, 14 at 5/, 16 at 4/6, 8 at 4/ per day ... ' 1,390 506 75 110 78 9,734 10,603 4,523 27,019