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SCHEDULE A. Estimate of Appboximate Cost of modifying the present Armaments of the Forts at the Four Centres, completing the Mine-fields at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers, including erection of new Fort at Dorset Point, Wellington; fortifying Westport, and supplying extra Ammunition for Forts, so as to bring them up to a War Strength, but with one Submarine-mining Boat (for Wellington) only : — Westpobt. £ £ Four 6in. B.L. guns on H.P. mountings .. ... Available. Two 6-pr. Q.F. guns ... ... ... ... 1,000 Two Maxims on parapet mountings ... ... 900 Works for armament ... ... ... 15,032 Ammunition for 6-prs. ... ... ... 880 17,812 Auckland. Three 6in. Q.F. guns and mountings ... ... 10,500 400 rounds ammunition per gun ... ... 9,240 Two 12-pr. Q.F. guns, Fort Bastion ... ... 1,540 Two 12-pr. Q.F. guns, Fort Eesolution ... ... 1,540 Ammunition for 12-prs. ... ... ... ... 1,632 Alteration of works ... ... ... ... 2,000 Electric light, Bastion ... ... ..\ 2,500 Mine-field (complete block) ... ... ... 2,300 31,252 Wellington. One Bin. B.L. gun on H.P. mounting ... ... Available. Two 6 in. Q.F. guns ... ... ... ... 7,000 Ammunition ... ... ... ... ... 6,160 Two 12-pr. Q.F. guns ... ... ... 1,540 Ammunition ... ... ... ... ... 816 Works ... ... ... ... ... 9,232 Electric searchlight ... ... ... ... 2,500 ■ 27,248 Lyttelton. Two 6in. Q.F. Guns ... ... ... ... 7,000 Ammunition for ditto ... ... ... ... 6,160 Barbette mountings for two Bin. B.L. Guns... ... 3,500 Works ... ... ... ... ... 16,228 Electric light ... ... ... ... ... 2,500 Mine-field 2,500 37,888 Dunedin. Two 12-pr. Q.F. guns ... ... ... ... 1,540 Ammunition for ditto ... ... ... ... 816 Works, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 3,000 5,356 Total ... ... ... ... 119,556 For workshops, water-supply, &c. ... ... 5,000 Submarine- mining boat ... ... ... 7,000 Total ... ... ::. 131,556 Three batteries of field artillery ... ... ... 30,000 Ammunition for same ... ... ... ... 10,000 Harness ... ... ... ... ... 972 40,972 Eight Maxim guns ... ... ' ... ... 3,200 30,000 rifles and carbines ... ... ... 90,000 Accoutrements for same ... ... ... ... 15,000 — 105,000* Extra ammunition for Maxims and small arms up to war strength ... ... ... ... 40,000 Extra tents, marquees, and camp equipment ... 10,000 Overcoats ... ... ... ... ... 15,000 Waterproof sheets ... ... ... ... 200 15,200 Eifle-ranges, acquiring land,conducting and maintaining ranges, butts, &c, and targets... ... ... 10,000 Additional medical equipment ... ... ... 1,000 Cadets... ... ... ... ... .... 8,000 Extra submarine-mining boat ... ... ... 7,000 Pinnaces ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 Grand total ... ... ... £373,428

* N.B.—Of the £105,000 for rifles, carbines, and accoutrements, say, £42,000 would be recouped upon sale of, say, 12,000 stand of arms and accoutrements to members of rifle clubs. Albebt Pitt, Lieut.-Colonel, Chairman.