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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

;em. )0-l. 19' DEPAKTMENT OF AGRICULTURE—continued. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 89 VOTE No. 60— continued. Othep Charges— continued. Cool-storage for dairy produce Dairy requisites, experiments, &c. Dairy inspection Encouragement of dairying industry Encouragement of preserved-milk industry Establishment of dairy schools Establishment of stud farms Experimental fruit-station Experimental station, Levin Experimental stations Expenses of three quarantine-stations Expenses in connection with testing of stock and meatinspection Expenses grading hemp Final expenses to J. Holmes for expenses incurred while making inquiries as to markets for New Zealand hemp Freights and carriage General rates for sections being a portion of the experimental station at Momohaki Grading dairy produce ... Inspection of vineyards and treatment and eradication of phyiloxera Inspection of imported bones and manures Legal expenses: Prosecutions for breaches of Stock, β-abbit, and other Acts Poultry-stations at Auckland, Momohaki, Burnham, and Milton, Expenses in connection with establishing and working Purchase of Inch Valley school-house site Purchase of house for Rabbit Agent's residence, Pembroke Purchase-money for Section 462, Parish of "Whangamarino Purchase of books, newspapers, periodicals, and other publications Purchase of tuberculin, and other expenses in connection with veterinary, analytical, and biological laboratories Purchase of late Mr. Maskell's collection of scale insects Removal expenses Rents, fuel, lighting, cleaning offices, furniture, insurances, &c. Refund of part quarantine charges on 129 rams Refund of railway-fares to judges of best-kept-farm competition, and to delegates attending conferences .. Repairs to fences and buildings on stock and dip reserves, aud tiees for planting and grass-seeds ... Schaw, F., Inspector of Stock, three months' salary upon retirement, in lieu of notice Seeds and plants for distribution Subsidies to local bodies for destruction of the kea Subscriptions to telephones Travelling-expenses Travelling-expenses of Produce Commissioner To make good loss of money stolen at Auckland office... Contingencies 9 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 9 £ 9,000 200 1,000 200 1,000 1,000 1,000 300 3,342 3,000 1,500 150 500 400 100 12 2,300 1,000 150 150 1,500 110 £ , 5,000 200 1,000 200 L,000 L.000 L,000 300 3,342 3,000 1,500 150 500 400 100 12 2,300 1,000 150 150 L,500 110 120 21 200 500 275 500 350 40 30 600 42 100 55 100 ),000 200 6 500 40 41 120 42 21 43 200 44 500 275 500 45 46 47 48 49 350 40 30 50 600 51 42 100 55 100 9,000 200 6 500 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 45 45,303 5,303 82 82,581 2,581 Leas estimated credits under section 41 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 8 8,000 4,000 74,581 Total—Vote No. 60 7i TOTAL OF CLASS XI. • • • £74,581