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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 19 ►0-1. METEOROLOGICAL AND MUSEUM DEPARTMENT. £ Total number of officers ... 1900-1. 2 VOTE No. 58. Salabies — Messenger and Keeper Taxidermist, at 10s. a day 125 126 Other Chabges— Chemicals Cleaning windows, &c. Fixing two Seismometers Fuel, Light, and Water Instruments Meteorological Stations and Time-ball Observatory Printing 750 copies Museum library catalogue Wages, Assistant Keeper Contingencies 251 20 55 50 30 40 125 60 95 50 * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total—Vote No. 58 525 776 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VOTE No. 59. Clerical Assistance, Wages, &c. Compensation to Haori Tareranui for Kauri-trees illegally cut on Ohinemuri No. 20f Block Cost of collecting Goldfields Revenue Cost of work to be done by Surveyor-General's Department Expenses of Board of Examiners for Mine - managers' Certificates Expenses Royal Commission on Rivers Extinguishing fire, Cardiff Coal-mine Field Surveys and Expenses, Geological Surveys and Explorations Inspecting Timber-areas Legal Expenses Maintenance and Management of Water-races— Waimea-Kumara Mount Ida Office Rents Petrological Examinations in London Refunds of Rent, Section 127, " Mining Act, 1898 " . Rebate of Duty on Cyanide of Sodium and Liquid Chlorine imported for Mining Purposes only Reports on Accidents Report on the Geology of the Coromandel Goldfield by J. M. Maclaren Schools.of Mines Subscriptions to Newspapers and Advertising - Travelling Allowances and Expenses Contingencies ... ... ... 350 100 100 500 250 500 500 400 125 200 11 12 13 14 15 16 3,000 1,400 40 600 200 17 18 500 50 19 20 21 22 50 2,800 100 1,500 300 13,565 Total—Vote No. 59 L OE CLASS X. £19,924