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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. CHARITABLE. 19' 10-1. 1900-1. Total number of officers ... 3 1 VOTE No. 54. Salabies — Inspector of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions (also Lunatic Asylums, £1,000) Assistant Inspector (also Lunatic Asylums, £87) Clerk (also Lunatic Asylums, £200) £ 200 153 60 Otheb Chaeges— Blind Asylum, Auckland Burial Expenses of Destitute Persons Compassionate Allowances— Widow and Family of Denis Phelan Widow of R. J. Deighton David Armstrong Grant to Benevolent Societies'Work Grant for Refuge Work Grant to Door of Hope Association (home for friendless and fallen women) Inebriate Homes Industrial Schools and Orphanages Maintenance of Destitute Persons from Thermal Springs District Nursing Poor Subsidy, £1 for £1 Refund of Amounts paid by Police in connection with Destitute Persons Salvation Army Prison-brigade Work Subsidy towards addition to Nurses' Home, Auckland Hospital Travelling Allowances and Expenses Contingencies 413 A 3 400 100 4 5 6 7 8 9 52 30 52 100 1,750 10 11 12 100 5,000 10,000 13 14 100 250 15 16 50 250 17 18 875 250 100 Total—Vote No. 54 19,459 19,872 ROTORUA SANATORIUM. 1900-1. Total number of officers ... 17 VOTE No. 55. Salaries— Resident Medical Officer Matron 9 Bath Attendants: Bath Attendant and Wife at £155, Bath Attendant and Wife at £120, 1 at £78, 2 at £48, 2 at £52 Wardsman Laundress 2 Servants : 1 at £52, 1 at £40 2 Bath Ticket Clerks 500 95 553 78 78 92 104 1,500 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Otheb Chabgks— Rations Fuel and Light Bedding, Furniture, and Crockery Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, &c. Repairs, &c. Contingencies 350 100 75 50 10 100 100 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891 " 785 500 Total—Vote No. 55 ... 285 1,785 TOTAL OF CLASS VIII. £56: ,854