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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tern. t t 19' .,..,-■■ •0-1. LUNATIC ASYLUMS—continued. £ VOTE No. 53 -continued. Salabies — continued. Seaeliff— continued. 76 Attendants and Servants— 38 Male Attendants : 1 at £135,1 at £L15, 1 at £110, 6 at £100, 2 at £95, 1 at £90, 13 at £80, 6 at £75, 7 at £70; Farm Manager and G-ardener at £150; Engineer at £100; Farm Hand at £60; Baker at £50; Caretaker at £52; Butcher at £52; 29 Female Attendants: 3 at £00,1 at £52 10s., 1 at £47 10., 9 at £45, 1 at £42 10s., 14 at £40; Cook at £65 ; 2 Laundresses : 1 at £60,1 at £52 Increase of Salaries 5,150 350 29,773 10 LI 12 18 14 15 Otheb Charges— Fees to medical witnesses Rations ... Fuel and light Bedding and clothing ... ... ... Surgery and dispensary Wines, spirits, &c. Necessaries— Ironmongery, crockery, tools, brushware, &c. Repairs to buildings, timber, oils, paints, &c. : Soap, soda, tobacco, &c. Furniture and drapery ... ... Water-supply, burials, railages, and cartages Miscellaneous 1,000 17,000 4,250 5,000 450 125 Hi 17 18 19 20 21 22 2,'i 24 2,000 1,800 1,200 1,300 1,000 1,700 3,000 600 25 26 27 Farm Uniforms for attendants Amount required to allow of a month's leave tor recreation to all persons in attendance on patients, and to allow an extra day's holiday every fortnight Amount required to repay sums deducted from attendants' salaries under " The Civil Service Officers' Guarantee Act, 1893 " Expenses, transfer of attendants and patients, &c. Purchase of thirty-two acres of land near Sunnyside for farming purposes Refund of maintenance to discharged patient, to enable her to proceed to England kSubscriptions to medical periodicals, telephone, advertising, &c. Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies ... 800 10 120 1,287 28 29 66 30 31 50 180 100 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 43,038 14,000 29,038 58,811 Total—Vote No. 53