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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1900-1. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Education Department. Vote 45.— Head Office 3,325 995 4,320 „ 46.—Public Schools ... 424,740 424,740 „ 47.—Native Schools ... 14,450 4,910 19,360 „ 48. —Industrial Schools 3,246 11,852 15,098 „ 49.—School for Deaf-mutes 1,718 1,480 3,198 „ 50. —School for Blind... 410 410 „ 51. —Technical Instruction 175 8,325 8,500 „ 52. —Miscellaneous Services 5,760 5,760 Lunacy and Chabitablts Department. 22,914 458,472 481,386 Vote 53. —Lunatic Asylums 29,773 29,038 58,811 „ 54.—Charitable 413 19,459 19,872 „ 55.—llotorua Sanatorium 1,500 285 L785 TOTAL OF CLASS VIII. ... 31,680 i: i,782 80,468 54,600 50' ',254 561,854 tern. 1900-1. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. HEAD OFFICE. 1900-1. Total number of officers ... 16 VOTE No. 45. Salaries — Secretary and Inspector-General Assistant-Secretary Chief Clerk, Inspection Branch, also Assistant Inspector of Native Schools Chief Clerk, Clerical Branch ... 6 Clerks : 1 at £240, 1 at £210, 1 at £182, 2 at £145, i at £140 5 Cadets: 1 at £85, 1 at £75, and 3 at £65 Clerk at £325 per annum (also Private Secretary to Minister of Education, £25) months) £ 600 400 365 290 1,062 355 253 3,325