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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item 19' 0-1. CUSTOMS : MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES—continued. 8 9 10 11 12 13 VOTE No. 40-continued. Othee Charges— continued. Refund of Customs duty paid on imported fountain placed in public gardens, Wanganui Refund of duty on machinery for Calliope Dock, Auckland Refund of duty on dog-biscuits for dogs of Antarctic Expedition at Stewart Island Refund of duty on paraffin wax Refund of warehouse duty on kerosene bonds Refund of part of penalty imposed on T. T. McAlister under "The Customs Laws Consolidation Act, 1882" Refund of duty on machinery for Riverhead Papermills, Auckland Refund of duty on statue to be erected to Tangata Hara at Little River Refund of duty on khaki cloth for uniforms for contingent to South Africa £ 8 4,300 19 9 200 £ 14 50 15 16 822 10 4 7,622 Total —Vote No. 40 ... 7,282 MARINE AND HARBOURS. 1900-1. Total number of officers ... 127 VOTE No 41 Salabies — Marine Head, Office — Chief Clerk Clerk Clerk Cadet Nautical Adviser, Inspector and Surveyor of Ships, and Examiner of Masters and Mates 320 240 150 85 400 3 5 Harbours — Manukau — Harbourmaster and Pilot (also Inspector of Fisheries, £10) Signalman Boatman at £8 per month Lightkeeper at Heads Auckland — Bean Rook Lightkeeper Holcianga — Harbourmaster and Pilot and Coast Waiter 2 Boatmen at £6 per month ,. Kaipara — Harbourmaster and Pilot and Customs Officer 2 Signalmen (also Lightkeepers) Chief Boatman at £10 per month 1 Boatman at £7 10s. per month Mohan — Signalman Opunake — Signalman Eangitikei — Acting Signalman Foxton — Harbourmaster and Pilot Wellington — Assistant Lightkeeper, Somes Island "... Napier Bluff Lighthouse — Lightkeeper Wairau — Signalman Nelson — Harbourmaster and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £10 per month Signalman 1,195 200 130 96 120 160 140 144 250 30 120 90 6 30 7 25 8 36 9 190 10 120 11 20 12 18 145 275 240 39