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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tern. 19' •0-1. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 38. Stationery, &c. Special allowance to Telegraph Messengers during their first year's service Light, fuel, and water Telephone fees to Non - permanent Postmasters and Telephonists Cash, &c, burnt in— Hamilton Office fire Opitonui Office fire Maharahara Office fire Clinton Office fire Compassionate allowance to widow of late W. M. Nutt, telegraph lineman (additional) ... Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Bessie Warner Eefund of payment of penalty forfeited by sureties, Have-lock-Pelorus Sound mail-service £ 1 2 6,500 3 4 650 4,000 9,250 5 304 225 37 5 6 70 80 7 8 25 9 Miscellaneous— Advertising and Printing Carriage of Private Bags ... Cleaning and Scavenging Money-order and Savings-Bank Fees to Country Postmasters Allowances to Tellers for Calculation of Savings-Bank Interest, to Clerks in Travelling Post-offices, Houseallowances, Forage, &c. Postal Inspectors' Travelling-expenses Overtime Parcel-post Expenses Repairs, Fittings, New Buildings, &c. Contingencies .. .... Travelling- and Relieving-expenses Travelling- and Removal-expenses .. Uniform Clothing Temporary Letter-carriers and Messengers 600 325 2,115 550 3,500 1,000 1,150 2,700 2,250 2,250 4,000 500 900 2,600 I 45,586 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 2,000 Total—Vote No. 38 43,58' TOTAL OP CLASS V. £410 586