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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tem. NATIVE LAND COURT— continued. 19' •0-1. VOTE No. 25— continued. Salabies — continued. Auckland — Registrar 2 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £193 2 Cadets : I at £120, 1 at £105 Wellington — Registrar Clerk Clerk and Interpreter Cadet Qisborne — Registrar Clerk & 220 395 225 220 200 190 100 240 160 7,190 5 6 7 8 Other Charges— Payment of Assessors, Extra Clerks, and Interpreters... Travelling Allowances and Expenses Rent Contingencies 1,750 3,300 250 200 Total—Vote No. 25 5,500 VALIDATION OF NATIVE TITLES. 1900-1. Total number of officers ... 1 12,690 VOTE No. 26. ' Salaries — Judge under " The Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act, 1893" 750 650 Other Charges—■ Assessors, Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 100 Total—Vote No. 26 1 2 3 ORIMINA L PROSECUTIONS. VOTE No. 27. . Fees to Crown Solicitors and Prosecutors ... Expenses of Witnesses Payment of Jurors under " The Juries Act, 1880 " 3,700 8,000 3,000 Total—Vote No. 27 14,700 "CORONERS ACT, 1867." 1 VOTE No. 28. Pees and Expenses on Inquests Payment of Jurors 2,700 1,750 4,450 2 Total—Vote No. 28 1 2 3 4 5 t; 7 8 9 10 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 29. Advertising, purchase of books, <fcc Amount deducted from salary of Warden, Thames, 1883, in error Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Clendon, recommended by Public Petitions Committee (six months' pay) Compilation of Maori history Expenses of Urevvera Commission Extra clerical assistance, copying, interpreting, &c. Fees to Patent Office Agents Fidelity guarantee premiums ... ..._ Fuel, light, water, and cleaning ... Further compensation to P. A. Connolly, late Bailiff at Naseby, as recommended by the Public Petitions Com100 43 200 250 250 750 50 250 1,200