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No. 144.—Petition of Oscae B. Beyan, of Wangarei. Petitionee prays for a refund of £47 incurred by him in defending an action against him under the Justices of the Peace Act, for false imprisonment. I am directed to report that this Committee recommend the petition be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. Bth August, 1900.

No. 143.—Petition of A. C. Bbown and Others, of Auckland. Petitionees pray that a clause in a Bill now before the House, requiring all gas-engines exceeding five horse-power while being used to be in charge of a certified engineer, be expunged. I am directed to report that this Committee recommend this petition be referred to the Government. 9th August, 1900.

No. 75.—Petition of Elizabeth Bennett, of Wellington. Petitionee prays for compassionate allowance in that her late husband died from an illness contracted while at his work. I am directed to report that this Committee recommend the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th August, 1900.

No. 104.—Petition of Alexandee Cochean, Jun., and Others, of Waitemata. Petitionee prays for grants for certain roads in Waikumete Biding, Waitemata County. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend the petition be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 15th August, 1900.

No. 517, 1899.—Petition of J. Dilwoeth and Others, of Auckland. Petitionees pray that they be reimbursed certain money costs paid in actions against the Government. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend the petition be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 15th August, 1900.

No. 146.—Petition of Maeie Agnes Gbimstone. Petitionee prays for compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for their favourable consideration. 15th August, 1900.

No. 84.—Petition of Saeah Giles, of Wellington. Petitionee prays for compensation and expenses in having to defend herself against a charge brought against her by the police. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th August, 1900.

No. 83.—Petition of W. H. Conboy, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for inquiry into his case, and compensation. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th August, 1900.

No. 176. —Petition of Saeah Gosling, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that she be reinstated in her former position as one of the charwomen to the House of Eepresentatives. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th August, 1900.

No. 82.—Petition of Thomas Collis, of Auckland. Petitionee prays for retiring-allowance, after having served in the Police Force. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th August, 1900.

No. 137.—Petition of Alfeed Haeeison and Others, of Ashburton. Petitionee prays for the establishment of Inebriates' Homes. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th August, 1900.

No. 136.—Petition of H. B. Huddleston, of Blenheim. Petitioner prays for redress as against the Survey Department. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government, with the view that the prayer thereof may be given effect to. 16th August, 1900.