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Brought forward Consolidated Fund — continued. £ s. d £ s. d. 6,113 0 5 s. Railway Department: — Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Arnott, on death of husband, J. G. Arnott, carpenter, Greymouth Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Elwin, on death of her husband, W. Elwin, porter, Auckland Compassionate allowance granted to W. Dowrick, in consideration of accident sustained Further compassionate allowance granted to Mrs. Gilchrist, on death of her husband, Robert Gilchrist, platelayer, Waitati 50 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 145 0 0 Mines Department: — Sundry maps, plans, &c, done by Survey Department .. 3,966 2 3 Defence Department: — Compensation to Major J. Coleman, Wellington, on retirement from service Compensation to Captain J. Grant, Auckland, on retirement from servioe Deposit for passages to England of Mrs. and Miss Penton, wife and daughter of Commander of Forces.. 473 13 7 265 12 5 60 0 0 Police Department: — Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Hobson, on death of her husband, Abraham Hobson, constable, Mercer .. 799 6 0 164 5 0 Total for Services not provided for 11,187 13 FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. Advanoes. Final Charges. )edinaey Revenue Account :— Class II. Colonial Secretary's Department,— Vote 9—Electoral Department .. £597 11 8 „ 11—Registrar-General's Dept... 120 1 5 „ 12—Agent-General's Dept. .. 646 3 9 Class III. Colonial Treasurer's Department,— Vote 17—Old-age Pensions Office .. 358 9 10 Class IV. Justice Department,— Vote 23—Bankruptcy .. .. 37 1 6 „ 26—Validation of Native Titles 37 17 8 Class V. Post and Telegraph Department,— Vote 32—Post and Telegraph : Salaries 1,298 1 0 „ 33—Telegraph Cable Subsidies.. 178 7 1 „ 38 —Miscellaneous Services .. 715 14 4 Class VI. Customs and Marine Departments,— Vote 42—Marine: Miscellaneous Services 2,727 16 8 Class VII. Stamps and Deeds Department,— Vote 43—Stamp Department .. 367 6 3 „ 44—Land and Deeds Registry.. 450 11 4 Class VIII. Minister of Education, — Vote 45—Head Office .. .. 42 3 1 „ 56—Department of Labour .. 328 9 6 Class X. Department of Agriculture,— Vote 60—Department of Agriculture 3,302 13 6 Class XIII. Defence Department,— Vote 68—South Africa Contingent .. 22,063 10 1 Class XV. Lands and Survey Department,— Vote 72 —Department of Lands and Survey 752 0 9 7 9 1 2,216 11 6 Totals. 1,349 12 5 120 1 5 646 3 9 358 9 10 44 10 7 37 17 8 1,298 1 0 2,394 18 7 715 14 4 15 8 2,729 2 4 115 8 2 367 6 3 565 19 6 1 18 6 44 1 7 328 9 6 2,715 19 9 6,018 13 3 18,022 14 10 40,086 4 11 3,547 6 8 3,547 6 8 £33,271 18 8 27,380 14 11 60,652 13 Total Consolidated Fund £71,840 7 3 Public Works Fund. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR. Native Land Purchase: — Payment to Messrs. Stafford, Treadwell, and Field, being bills of costs, &c, in the oase of Public Trustee v. Kemp and Buller H2 6 Carried forward 142