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OCEAN MAIL-SERVICES (FURTHER PAPERS RELATING TO). [In continuation of Paper F.-6a, presented on the 8th August, 1899.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

INDEX. San Francisco Mail-service— Page Renewal with Union Company. Ooeanic Company's Offer : —lnoreased Frequency and Speed. Southern Parts of Colony on Present Time-table.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 London Despatch. Departure from American Ports .. .. .. .. '~ .. 15 Intercolonial Service.—Services via Australia alternating with San Francisco .. .. .. 24 Interprovincial Service .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 33

SAN FEANCISCO MAIL-SEEYICE. EBNEWAL WITH UNION COMPANY. OOEANIC COMPANY'S OPFEB:—INCEEASED FREQUENCY AND SPEED. SOUTHERN PARTS OF COLONY ON PRESENT TIME-TABLE. No. 1. . The Agent-Genekal to the Hon. the Peemibe. S IE) — 13, Victoria Street, Westminster Chambers, S.W., London, 18th May, 1899. Referring to your letter of the 29th March last [No. 81, F.-6, 1899), I beg herewith to transmit, copy of correspondence with the London General Post Office respecting the proposal to establish a fortnightly mail-service by way of San Francisco. From the result of an interview with one of the Secretaries at the General Post Office, I am of opinion that the assistance which may be expected to be given by the Imperial postal authorities to a fortnightly service via San Francisco will not go beyond the Postal Union conditions and regulations. Moreover, I think it will be found that they will, if possible, avoid sending all the mails by that route if it can be proved that by sending vid Suez and Australia the mails would reach their destination in a shorter time. I enclose herewith copy of an advertisement which appeared in the Times of the 17th instant, by which it will be seen that the liquidator of the Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Steamship Company gives notice that he proposes to offer for sale by tender the steamers, business, good-will, and property of the company. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. W. P. Reeves.

Enclosure 1 in No. 1. The Seceetaey to the Agent-Genebal to the Seceetaey, General Post Office, London. Sib,— 13, Victoria Street, S.W., 12th May, 1899. I am directed by the Agent-General to inform you that the withdrawal of the mail-service to New Zealand vid Vancouver renders it probable that a proposal for the establishment of a fortnightly service by way of San Francisco will be brought under the consideration of the New Zealand Parliament at its approaching session in June next. In view of such action the Agent-General has been instructed by his Government to ascertain what support would be given by the Imperial Government to a fortnightly service by the abovementioned route. In my letter to you of the 23rd March last [not printed : see Nos. 53-63, F.-6, 1899] I intimated that, in view of the acceleration of the railway service between San Francisco and New York, the mails from New Zealand would leave Auckland two days later; and, in reference thereto, it is satisfactory to note that the time taken in the transmission of the mails to London has thus been considerably reduced. A similar acceleration has also taken place as regards the outward mails Zealand.

I—F. 6.