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conditions :No message must exceed 100 words. The rate of Is. to be charged for each message. The Officer in Charge may refuse to accept any such message which in his opinion does not contain news of an urgent nature. These messages will not be permitted to interfere with or delay the transmission of the midnight cable news. Telegrams forwarded by Members of General Asssembly. Members of the General Assembly may send telegrams at the following rates, viz.:— s. a. For the first thirty-six words or any fraction thereof, including address and signature ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 6 For every four words or fraction of four words after the first thirty-six words ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 1 Such telegrams shall be restricted to domestic, public, or parliamentary business during the session of Parliament, and a period of fourteen days immediately before and fourteen days immediately after the session of Parliament, respectively. During the remainder of the recess they shall be restricted to public or parliamentary business entirely. Any disregard of these conditions will render the telegram presented liable to be treated and charged for as an ordinary telegram, or refused acceptance. " Collect " telegrams addressed to a Minister by any member of Parliament shall not be accepted for transmission at any telegraph-office unless the Minister has by telegram requested such member to send him a reply "free," and proof thereof be given to the transmitting officer. In such "collect" telegrams, the instruction " M.Gr.A. Collect" must be written in the proper place at the head of the form. Alex. Willis, Clerk of the Executive Council.


Banfubly, Governor. Obdbe in Council. At the Government House, at Wellington, this ninth day of July, 1900. Present: His Excellency the Goveenoe in Council. Wheeeas under the authority of " The Electric Lines Act, 1884" (hereinafter termed "the said Act"), the Governor in Council is empowered from time to time to make, alter, amend, and revoke regulations fixing and determining the fees and rates to be demanded and received for the transmission of any telegram : And whereas the fees heretofore received for the transmission over electric lines belonging to the Government of New Zealand of telegrams despatched for delivery at places beyond New Zealand, or received from such places for delivery in New Zealand, have been levied in respect of telegrams to or from places in New Zealand and Australia or Tasmania at the rate of sixpence for ten words or any number of words less than ten, and in respect of telegrams to or from all other such places at the rate of one penny for each word : And whereas it is desired to alter the fees for such transmission in the manner hereinafter mentioned: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, m pursuance and exercise of the powers and authority vested in him by the said Act, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby abolish the fees aforesaid, and in lieu thereof doth make the regulations and fix the fees set forth in the Schedule hereto for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and doth order and declare that such regulations and fees shall have effect on and from the first publication of this Order in Council in the New Zealand Gazette.

Schedule. The inland rate, to be known as the " New Zealand terminal rate," to be levied on telegrams transmitted to or received from places beyond New Zealand, to be called " cable telegrams," shall be fixed at Id. per word. Alex. Willis, Clerk of the Executive Council. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,300 copies), £i ss. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington,—l9oo, Price, 6d.]