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Prizes : First-year students (scientific work)—W. H. B. Scott, E. Payton, A. Mays, and H. Denniston; first-year students (practical farm-work)—A. Mays, D. Morres, and E. Payton. Second-year students (scientific work) —W. H. Black, N. Powell, W. Stewart, C. Withy, and L. Hindson; second-year students (practical farm-work) —W. Stewart, N. Powell, G. Wallace and C. Withy. Diplomas: Harold Wilson Black, Christchurch; Bernard William North, England; Charles Withy, Auckland; William Stewart, Balclutha. Certificate in practical farm-work: Norman Powell, Dunedin. In the teaching staff a change has occurred, Mr. F. W. Hilgendorf, M.A., B.Sc, having been appointed in room of Mr. J. W. Mellor, B.Sc, who has gone to England to prosecute his scientific studies. Messrs. G. Gray, F.C.S., M. Guerin, C.E., and J. B. Charlton, M.E.C.V.S., are still in charge of the chemical, mathematical, and veterinary departments respectively. Farm. —The farm is in good order, and is practically free from weeds. The gorse fences which for the last six years had almost ceased to exist have greatly improved during the past year, and, should the improvement continue, will afford the much desired shelter for stock in the wintermonths, and add to the general appearance of the farm. The cereal crops for 1898-99 yielded the highest average obtained on the farm. This year the cereals, more especially the autumn - sown ones, look equally well, and promise to yield as abundantly as those of last year. The mangolds, comprising the principal different kinds on the market, promise to be an excellent crop; and so do the carrots and potatoes. The turnipcrop is satisfactory. During the early part of the summer feed was scarce, owing to the cold weather then prevailing; now, however, there is a sufficiency of grass, and with the roots and straw on the farm the winter for stock is already provided for. A number of very valuable experiments were carried out throughout the year, and the results of these have been prepared in short tabular form, and will be appended to this report, which it is intended to disseminate amongst the various agricultural societies and newspapers throughout the colony. These comprise experiments with grain-crops, root-crops, cultivations, &c.; also with the different crosses of sheep for the production of fat lambs most profitable for freezing purposes. As usual, a number of improvements have been effected throughout the year : boundary-fences have been erected; large spring-holes (dangerous to the safety of stock) have been filled; a rectangular shelter-belt has been partly planted ; and the meteorological station has been changed. The live-stock are steadily being improved, and sales are being effected to all parts of the colony. The cattle are as last year, consisting of a herd of Shorthorns, also two of each of the following breeds, which are kept for educational purposes, viz. : Aberdeen-Angus, Ayrshire, Hereford, and Jersey. An additional stud flock of Southdown ewes has been added, so that the stud flocks are now six in number, and consist of Border Leicesters, English Leicesters, Eomney Marsh, Lincolns, Shropshire Downs and Southdowns. This year a flock of three hundred Lincoln-merino half-breds were bought for experimental purposes, these being put in lots of fifty to rams of the following breeds, viz. : Shropshire Down, Southdown, Lincoln, Eomney Marsh, English Leicester, and Border Leicester. The progeny of these will be sold in the local market, and the results tabulated, and, as the experiment 1 of this year, sent throughout the farming community of the colony. The live-stock stand almost the same as for last year, and comprise—cattle, 89; sheep and lambs, 1,361; horses, 19; pigs, 62; poultry, 225. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. J. Bayne, Director.

Statement of Eeceipts and Expendituee for the Year ending 31st December, 1899. FARM ACCOUNT. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Rent of land .. .. .. 10 0 0 By Farm wages (including share of DirecSale of grain, &c— tor's salary) .. .. .. 749 1 6 Wheat .. .. .. .. 501 19 3 Students' wages .. .. .. 150 7 1 Oats .. .. .. .. 112 1 2 Trade accounts — Repairs, sheep-dip, Grass-seed .. .. .. 70 710 corn-sacks, &o. .. .. .. 222 11 8 Linseed .. .. .. .. 273 Seeds .. .. .. ~ 34 8 1 Peas .. .. .. .. 12 0 Manures .. .. .. ,'22 8 0 Potatoes .. .. .. .. 24 7 0 Fuel .. .. .. ~ 814 2 Sacks .. .. .. .. 31 0 9 Rates .. .. .. \\ 35 4 9 Sale of live-stock— Insurance of farm buildings and imSheep .. .. .. .. 579 18 4 plements .. .. .. .. 32 5 7 Cattle .. .. .. .. 59 2 9 Implements .. .. .. 42 10 0 Horses .. .. .. .. 32 0 0 Farm contingencies.. .. .. 62 12 0 Pigs .. .. .. .. 109 14 6 Permanent improvements .. .. 18 14 8 Sale of dairy produce .. .. 185 4 5 Lochead's drain .. ~ .. 34 10 1 Sale of wool .. .. .. 135 18 3 Repairs to gates and fences .. .. 15 14 3 Trade accounts — Sale of eggs and Repairs to cottages .. .. ~ 814 3 poultry, and dipping sheep .. 43 9 4 Purchase of livestockFarm contingencies—Prizes gained at Sheep .. .. .. .. 289 3 10 show .. .. .. .. 617 0 Horses .. .. .. .. 26 10 0 Pigs .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 Balance carried to General Account .. 147 19 11 £1.905 9 10 £1,905 9 10