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100. Were you punished for it ?—Yes; by Brother Kilian.' •• 101. What did he do to you ?—He gave me a cut across the head, and two across the chest with a supplejack. 102. Had you your clothes on ? —I had my coat off. I had no waistcoat on; nothing but my shirt. 103. Do you know a boy named Davis at the school ?—Yes. 104. Did you see anything done to him about a year ago?— Yes; Brother Kilian punched him in the eye with his fist. 105. What did that do to him ? —lt knocked him down. 106. Mr. Wardelk] How old is Davis ?—About 16, I think. 107. Mr. Bush]. Did this boy get a black eye?— No. 108. Did it bleed?—l do not think so. 109. Mr. Harley.] Do you know a Maori boy named Moap?—Yes. 110. What was done to him ?—He got kicked in the stomach by Brother Kilian. 111. Mr. Wardell.] How long ago is that ?—About two years ago. 112. Mr. Bush.] Did it knock him down; Yes; I think it did. 113. Mr. Wardell.] Did you see him ?—Yes; the boy was going up stairs, and the brother was coming down. I was going up, too. 114. Mr. Wardell.] Was the boy going up against orders ?—I do not know. 115. Mr, Bush.] What were you going up for ?—To bed. 116. I suppose the other boy was going up to bed, too ?—Yes ; I think so. 117. Mr. Wardell.] Did the brother pass you before kicking the Maori boy?— Yes. 118. Then how did you see ? —I turned round. 119. What was the result of the kicking?— The boy was lying down. 120. Mr. Harley.] Do you know another boy, named Jimmy Owens ?—-Yes. 121. What did you see done to him?—He got punched on the face; and, I think, got kicked. We were going down in ranks out of the school at the time. 122. Who punched him ?—Brother Kilian. 123. What happened to Owens? —He got knocked on the floor. 124. Mr. Bush.] How long ago was this ?—About a month ago ; not long before I left. 125. Mr. Harley.] Are these boys, Owens, Moap, and Davis, at the Orphanage now ?—No; Owens is still there. 126. Have you had mustard and water?— Yes, twice. 127. What does it do?—lt burns your inside, and makes you vomit. 128. Mr. Bush.] What did you have it for? What was the matter with you?—l had a headache. 129. Mr. Wardell.] Did you feel better after it ?—I felt worse after the mustard, but I was better next day. 130. Mr. Harley.] You used to do the butchering ?—Yes ; Lane and I were the butchers. 131. Used you to get enough to eat?— Sometimes. I used to sneak a bit of meat sometimes. 132. Mr. Wardell.] Did Lane do the same ?—Yes. 133. Had you means of cooking it ?—Yes. 134. Mr. Harley.] Where used you to take it ?—Up the gully, and cook it. 135. Have you heard other boys complain of not having enough food ?—Yes, I have. 136. Suppose you wanted a second help, did you get it ?—-Those at the big table could; but some at the little table did not. 137. Did the boys seem very hungry?— Yes, sometimes. 138. What have you seen them do ?—I have seen them get stuff out of the pigs' barrel. 139. Was that because they were hungry, or because they would eat anything ?—Because they were hungry. 140. Do you remember the visits of the members of the Charitable Aid Board two months ago ? Yes; I was in the yard that day. 141. Do you remember seeing Mr. Eout, Mr. Piper, and myself in the yard?— Yes. 142. Did you know that James and Maher were in confinement then ?—Yes. 143. Did you know the cell James was in ?—Yes.--144. Have you been inside it ? —No ; but I have looked through the door. 145. Do you know of any alteration being made ?—Yes ; after the Charitable Aid Board went up. 146. Mr. Wardell.] What was the alteration ?—The boards were taken off the window after James came out. 147. Mr. Harley.] Did you see them?■— Yes. 148. How long was it after the Board were up?— Not long after. After the Board came ; but before Dr. Mackie, Dr. Hudson, and the other visitors came up. 149. Who pulled the boards down?— Brother Kilian. 150. Did you know the cell in the tower ?—Yes; it was pulled down by Brother Kilian. 151. Did you see him pulling it down?— Yes; I saw him pulling it down from the tower window, and I saw the boards when they were brought down. 152. Do you know how many boards were pulled off the window of the lower cell ?—I do not know how many ; but they were all pulled off. I think there were four or five. 153. Did you see the pieces of board? How long were they?— About 2ft. 6in. long. 154. Where were they before they were pulled down ? —Across the window. 155. Do you know whether there was glass behind the boards ?—I do not think so. New panes were put in afterwards ; on the same day as the boards were pulled down.