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400. Mr. Harley.] Could you see to read in this room ?—Yes. 401. Had you any sun during the day ? —Not till about 2 o'clock. 402. During the last two years had you been punished at the Orphanage before'?— Yes, four or five times, on the hand. 403. Were you ever beaten on the body ?—lf I did not hold my hand straight I would get it on the back. 404. How many strokes of this would you get? —Seven or eight. 405. "What was this for?— For not doing what I was told, and talking. 406. Have you ever been strapped ?—No. 407. Ears boxed or punched?— Yes, two or three punches once. 408. Was one in the eye?— Yes, and the others in the neck. 409. Mr. Wardell] Prom whom?— Brother Kilian. 410. How did this come about ? —One morning about three months ago, as I was going in to breakfast, a boy hit me with a stick. I tapped him lightly on the shoulder two or three times, and told him to stop. He would not stop. I gave him a push, and Brother Kilian saw me and punched me. 411. Mr. Bush.] Was this in the dining-room? —No; in the schoolroom. 412. Mr. Wardell.] You were going in to breakfast: where did he punch you ? —ln the eye and neck. 413. Did you get a black eye ? —No; but it was swollen. He afterwards kicked me from the school into the dining-room. 414. Mr. Bush.] How far is the dining-room from the schoolroom ?—About a yard. 415. Did he kick you more than once ? —He kicked me twice. 416. Did he tell you why he kicked you? —No. 417. Mr. Harley.] Have you seen boys punished by any other way than by caning ?—Yes ; they would get it across the back before straps started to be used. 418. When was that ?—When Mr. Hogben came up. 419. Before that they were beaten across the back ?—Yes. 420. Mr. Warded.] How many strokes across the back ?—Two or three. 421. Mr. Harley.] Have you seen any other boys punched or kicked as you were within the last two years ?—Yes ; John Lane was kicked by Brother Wibertus. 422. Was he kicked hard?— Yes. 423. What happened?—He fell, and his head was badly cut. 424. Mr. Wardell.] How long ago was this?— About two years ago. 425. Mr. Harley.] Did he get cut by the kick ? —No ; the kick knocked him against the wall, and this cut his head and made it bleed. 426. Mr. Bush.] Did the blood run down the face ?—I do not know. 427. Mr. Harley.] Did you see it?— Yes. 428. Was anybody else punished in this way ?—No. 429. Have you been punished by kneeling ? —Yes; for about half an hour. 430. Is that painful?— No. 431. Have you ever had mustard given to you ?—No ; I had castor-oil in the cell. 432. Have you never had mustard-and-water ?—Yes ; when I was sick. 433. When you were sick !Do you mean ill?—I was vomiting. 434. What does the mustard make you do?— Vomit more. They gave me mustard-and-water to make me sick. 435. Mr. Bush.] What was your illness ?—I had a headache. 436. Mr. Harley.] What does the mustard make you feel like ?—lt burns, and is painful. 437. Do the boys take it willingly ?—Yes. 438. Is there no bother in getting any of them to take it ?—Some will not take it. 439. What happens then ?—The Brother gets a stick. 440. Mr. Wardell.] Which boys object to taking it most—the boys who have never had it before, or the boys who have had it?— The boys who have had it. 441. Mr. Harley.] Do you get Irish stew every day?—No; sometimes stew and bread. 442. How long have you been getting bread?— Since the Board came up. 443. Before the Board came up did you get bread ?—Only on Fridays, when we did not get meat in the stew. 444. Do you get anything else besides bread now ?—-Yes ; sago. 445. How long has the sago been in use ?—Since the Board came. 446. What do you have for tea ?—Bread and tea. 447. What do you have on the bread ?—Butter. 448. Mr. Wardell.] How long have you had that ?—Four or five months before the Board came. 449. Mr. Harley.] Were you getting butter regularly before the Board came?— No. 450. Mr. Wardell.] Since the Board, were up how often ? —Three or four times a week. 451. Have you ever had butter every day? —No. 452. Mr. Harley.] When you do not have butter on the bread, what do you have?— Pumpkin jam and lard. 453. How is the lard made?— From pig-fat. 454. How long have you had that ?—A good while. 455. Have you ever seen mutton-fat melted down ?—Yes. It is melted and rubbed on the bread by one end being dipped in it. 456. Do you have a picnic suit of clothes?— Yes ; I have it on now. It is used when we go out and when visitors come.