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3. That the boys' food has been and is insufficient in quantity, poor in quality, and not sufficiently varied. 4. That the boys have been and are poorly and insufficiently clothed. 5. That certain of the work required to be performed by the inmates has been and is too hard, especially for lads of tender years. 6. That boys who have died at the school have been buried in the grounds connected with the school. 7. That St. Mary's Industrial School, being a private school under " The Industrial Schools Act, 1882/' stands on a different footing to Government industrial schools, and is not subject to the same supervision and inspection as Government schools, although the majority of the boys at the school are committed there by Magistrates, and are supported by Government or Charitable Aid Boards. In considering these complaints we have weighed carefully the evidence adduced, and made such further inquiries as seemed to us meet, and, after due consideration, report upon them as follows : — " 1. That, although many of the boys at the school are very young, the school is entirely under the management of unmarried men, no matron having been employed for many years." The facts as alleged are admitted. The question raised is an abstract one on which we have no evidence to guide us. It is purely a matter of opinion, founded on general observation, and on which, especially in relation to boys of the class found in industrial schools, we know a great deal can be said on both sides. Our opinion will be expressed in making our recommendations. "2. That the punishment of boys at the school has been and is more severe than is allowed at Government industrial schools, and more severe than should be allowed in such a school as St. Mary's." This complaint has been established. We can only compare the punishment of the boys at Stoke with the punishment allowed at Government schools by referring to the regulations now in force in respect of punishments in those schools, issued 14th October, 1895. Punishment at Stoke has not been in conformity with those regulations, which by statute apply only to Government schools. No regulations are issuable under the Act in regard to punishment in private schools. At Stoke all teachers in charge of boys, whether at school, play, or work, administer it. Punishment was given until quite recently by strokes upon the hand with a supplejack. The supplejack has been freely used in this way, and, without doubt, in some cases with great severity. The use of the supplejack has lately been abandoned in favour of the strap, on the recommendation of the Secretary for Education. Some cases of punishment outside the rules laid down by the Brothers for their own guidance have been brought to our knowledge, in which cuffs and blows, and in two cases kicks, were given by Brother Killian, who, by those and other acts, has shown that he is unfitted for his position. Brother Wybertus, whose conduct, although not so reprehensible as that of Brother Killian, has also by violence proved himself unsuitable for his position. We are now informed that both these Brothers have been removed from the school. Corporal punishment by flogging on the bare posterior with a supplejack was inflicted with severity, previous to 1895, for absconding and other serious offences ; but we are not satisfied that any case has been proved within five years of the date of our commission. The witnesses who have referred to it, speaking from memory, assert it occurred about five years ago, and was inflicted by Brother Wybertus. The duty of flogging devolved on the Prefect, which office Brother Wybertus ceased to hold towards the end of 1894. We are quite satisfied there has been no case of flogging for more than four years and a half. Cell punishment at Stoke has been much in excess of that authorised at the Government schools, and is more than should be allowed. During the last two years sixteen boys have been confined in cells for various periods, as under :-— 2 boys for four days. 1 „ six days. 6 v seven days. 2 „ eight days. 1 „ two weeks. 2 „ three weeks. 1 „ two months and three days (Skilton). 1 „ three months (seclusion).