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Formerly there were white slaves in almost every country. Afterwards, when white slaves were not allowed by law, people went and stole black men from their homes and families, and carried them to places so far from their homes that they could never get back again, and made them work for them. And it is very lately that a law has been made that there shall be no more slavery. 6. Ka whakatika te taua a Te Eangiita kite ngaki i te mate o tona taokete, ka tika ma te huarahi c ahu ana ki Waikato. E toru nga ra kite huarahi ka tae ki tetahi awa nui. E waipuke ana te awa ra, a i te mea he awa hohonu, whanui hoki, ka tahuri te ope kite hanga mokihi hei whakawhiti i a ratou. Ka oti nga mokihi, heoi, whiti pai ana te taua, kaore he tangata o ratou i riro ite wai, notemea he mohio katoa ratou kite kau. Katahi ka haere tonu te ope ra, ka tae ki tetahi ngaherehere; ka tomo ite ngaherehere, no te putanga ki tera whaitua ka tutaki ite tira c haere mai ana, he Pakeha tetahi o taua tira. Ite mea he tauhou te ope taua ki tenei mea kite Pakeha, tahuri ana ratou kite matakitaki i taua tangata. Ka mutu ta ratou matakitaki ka via te whenua o tera tv tangata, ka whakahokia atu ko Ingarangi. Tukuna ana taua Pakeha me ona hoa kia haere. Maro tonu te haere a te ope taua i tona huarahi, aka tae kite pa ote iwi o Waikato. Rokohanga atu c pae ana te iwi ra i waho ote pa. Whakaekea tonutia atu te pa etc taua, horo ana te pa a whati ana nga tangata o roto. Katahi ka patua te iwi ra etc taua a kore rawa he morehu i rere. Heoi ano, ite mea kua ea te mate o tona taokete, hoki ana te taua aTe Eangiita ki tona whenua i haere mai ai.

Trigonometry. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Define the unit of circular measure, and find its value in degrees. Express in circular measure the interior angle of a regular dodecagon. What number will express the same angle if the unit of measure is the interior angle of a regular hexagon ? 2. Find the numerical value of cos 30°, and deduce the value of cos 15°. Set down all the angles between 0° and 500° the sines of which are equal to cos 15°. 3. Prove the following relations : — (a) cos (A + B) = cos A cos B — sin A sin B; (b) cos 3A = 4 cos 3 A — 3 cos A ; (c) tan (45° + 4) + cot (45° +f) = 2 sec A ; , n 4 tan A(1 — tan 2 A) . , , {d) (l+tan'Ar~ =Bin4A - -4. Find the value of A from the equation — tan (45° + A) = 3 tan (45° - A). 5. If Ais an angle of a triangle, find an expression for sin -JA in terms of the sides. Find also an expression for the area of the triangle in terms of the sides. 6. Show that in any triangle, adopting the usual notation— sin (A - B) _ a 2 - b 2 W sin (A +B) _ c 2 ' y 2 _ a 2 (b) sin C (cot A — cot B) = r — ; (c) sin A + sin B - sin C= 4 sin sin C os 7. If in a triangle a = 6, b = 7, c = 9, find cos A, tan -JA, and the area. 8. Prove that log. — = — log. m, and that log. m" = n log. m. Given log. 2 = 0-301, find the logarithms of 160, 0-32, 1-25, and sin 45°. What is the logarithm of sin 45° to base 2 ? 9. A surveyor, desiring to find the height of a mountain, chose two stations in a line with the top of the mountain. The distance between the two stations was 100 chains, and at the nearer station the elevation of the mountain was observed to be 60°. At the more distant station the elevation of the top of the mountain was found to be 30°, and that of the other station 15°: what was the height of the mountain ?

Shorthand. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. Insteuctions to Supeevisoes. 1. Inform candidates before the time for taking up this subject that they may use pen or pencil as they please for taking notes, which should be written on ruled paper, but that they must transcribe those notes into longhand with pen and ink. 2. Inform candidates that when once you have begun to dictate you cannot stop until the passage is finished. 3. Dictate the passages at the following rates of speed:— (a.) 80 words a minute. <&.) 120 „ (c) 150 „ N.B. —It will be well to practise reading these aloud some time beforehand, looking at a watch or clock, so as to accustom yourself to reading at the exact rate indicated. The matter to be read is marked off into sections, each of which is to occupy a minute. The Supervisor will 4—E. la.