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Table W shows the expenditure on the Government schools, including the cost of inmates boarded out, the salaries of the resident staffs, of the medical officers, of two official correspondents, and of the visiting officer of boarded-out and service inmates ; the table also gives the amounts of the recoveries from Charitable Aid Boards, from parents, from the sale of farm produce, &c.

TABLE W.— Expenditure on Governement Schools, 1899.

In Table X are shown the payments made by Government on account of inmates in private industrial schools, the recoveries, and the net expenditure by Government. The contributions from Charitable Aid Boards to these schools, being made directly to the managers, are not included in the recoveries shown.

TABLE X.—Government Expenditure on Private Schools (R.C.), 1899.

During 1899, inmates were maintained in four other institutions, and the expenditure on this account was as follows : Mission Home, Jerusalem, Wanganui (Mother Aubert's), £124165.; St. Mary's, Eichmond, Christchurch, £45 11s. 5d.; Samaritan Home, Christchurch, £3 9s. ; Mount Magdala, Christchurch, £208 os. lid. Further information is given in other tables appended to the paper E.-3. Institute foe the Blind. The Jubilee Institute for the Blind is a private institution, and is not in any way under Government control, although it has received grants from time to time out of the Consolidated Eevenue, and receives payment from the Education Department on account of pupils for whose tuition the department is responsible. The payments made on behalf of such pupils to the Institute during the year amounted to £324 ss. 3d., towards which the parents contributed £19 18s. The number of these pupils at the end of 1899 was 9. The Department also paid £30 for a yearly railway-ticket for the use of an agent of the Institute. The grants referred to above were made through the Department in charge of hospitals and charitable aid, and accordingly no account is given of them here. School foe Deaf-mutes. The roll of this school includes, with one or two exceptions, all the known deaf-mutes of school age and of sound intellect in the colony who have been brought under the notice of the Education Department. The method of instruction used at Sumner is the oral method, in favour of which there is a vast predominance of expert opinion. According to it the pupils are taught, by watching the mouth of the speaker, to follow the speech of any person who will

School. Gross Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. (Included in preceding column.) Salaries of School Staff. (Included in first column.) Recoveries. Net Cost. Auckland Burnham Caversham £ s. d. 1,345 17 1 6,871 13 0 7,671 9 8 £ s. a. 688 0 8 2,580 14 9 3,167 2 8 £ s. d. 157 10 7 950 18 7 926 16 2 £ s. a. 357 0 1 1,636 15 7 3,651 8 8 £ s. d. 988 17 0 5,234 17 5 4,020 1 0 Totals 15,888 19 9 6,435 18 1 2,035 5 4 5,645 4 4 10,243 15 5 Salary and expenses of Visiti Contingencies ing Officer 362 4 3 9 9 1 Total £10,615 8 9

School. Payments. Recoveries. Net Expenditure by Government. It. Mary's, Auckland St. Joseph's, Wellington It. Mary's, Nelson it. Vincent de Paul's, Dunedin £ s. a. 1,124 6 0 433 10 0 1,888 15 6 9 19 £ s. d. 33 17 4 61 3 2 333 5 8 £ s. d. 1,090 8 8 372 6 10 1,555 9 10 9 19 Totals 3,455 13 3 428 6 2 3,027 7 1