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No. B. —Working at stoppings this end of works. Six men employed working under difficulties, having to encounter black-damp until back wall of stopping was up. 6th February, 1900. Alex. Mitchbl.

No. 9. —Working at stopping at either end of main tunnel. 7th February, 1900. Alex. Mitchel.

No. 10. —Completed stoppings at Bridge end of main tunnel, encountering damp there too, as at this end ; ten men working. Bth February, 1900. Alex. Mitchel.

No. 11. —Filling in shaft; ten men engaged at work. 9th February, 1900. A. Mitchel. 9th February, 1900. E. Tennent.

No. 12. —Wesport Cardiff Coal-mine. —Inspector of Mines Beport.—l have this day examined the whole of the workings in the above-named mine and found them in safe condition. Ventilation natural, but sufficient; all levels, headings, and bords are well timbered and a sufficient quantity of timber found in all working places for the purpose of spragging and securing the roof. No indications of gas seen during examinations. Stoppings and furnace-shaft all right. The mine throughout is standing in the same condition as when work was ceased. There are no falls in any part of the workings. Time of examination, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 14th February, 1900. E. Tennent, Inspector of Mines. No. 13. —Westport Cardiff Coal-mine.—lnspector of Mines Eeport.—l have this day examined the whole of the workings in the above-named mine, and found them in safe condition. Ventilation sufficient; all levels, headings, and bords are well timbered and a sufficient quantity of timber found in all working places for the purpose of spragging and securing roof. No indication of gas seen during examination. Stoppings in satisfactory condition. Would recommend that the timber in entrance section of main tunnel be made secure. 21st March, 1900. E. Tbnnent, Inspector of Mines.

Six photos attached to this report: — No. 1. This shows the mine entrance, which is in a very dilapidated condition. No. 2. At Chasm Creek over tunnel, showing line of 2 in. pipes, also smoke and steam rising. No. 3. A little further to left, nearer point marked H., entracing line of pipes may be seen on back ground, also smoke rising between the large rocks which have fallen from terrace since outbreak of fire. No. 4. Further still to left, the stone at right-hand side is fault, marked H. on tracing. The canvas hose attached to piping is seen at left-hand side. No. 5. This is a nearer view of stone in No. 4. The light mass in centre towards bottom of photo is the glowing coal. No. 6. This is a view from bridge looking down creek. Where smoke is seen is spot marked K. on plan. Between right-hand side and smoke may be seen loose stones. This is a slip from terrace since outbreak of fire. W. N. Shore. Eobert Alison. John Foster. Dear Sir,— Brunnerton, 28th May, 1900. Under separate cover I am to-day forwarding you one set (mounted) of photos to attach to report on Westport Cardiff Mine. Should any additional sets be required, I shall be only too pleased to supply same. I also, as requested in your telegram of to-day, enclose account of my fees and travelling-expenses. I have, &c, Eobert Alison. H. J. H. Eliott, Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Telegrams from E. Tennent, Inspector of Mines, Westport, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department. 2nd June, 1900. Information by wire re Cardiff fire will be strictly attended to. ( 11th June, 1900. There is nothing fresh to report from Cardiff fire. Pipe-line water-supply is almost dried up owing to dry weather, and necessary material for proposed pipe-line will have to be provided,-as pipes of required dimensions are not at the colliery. Writing you fully on the position.