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"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1894." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1900, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 39 of the said Act— continued.


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Name of Person or Rejiort and Valuation of Board. Eeport Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Seller to 31st March, 1900. and Settlement of the Land. it was bought or acquired. Valuation of Board. Report of Board. Brought forward .. Otago Land District — contd. Tahawai A. B. P. 47,046 3 12 £ s. d. ■250,290 6 3 £ s. d. 69 0 19 Block I., Kurow Survey District Open, level ground ; deep, rich, alluvial silt Stringer, G. 622 1 4 That the character of the land is such as to render it suitable for settlement in small lots; that there is a demand for land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase at £9 per acre We recommend purchase at a price of £14 per acre, and, in the event of this offer not being accepted, we are of opinion that £15 an acre would not be too high a price to pay for such land The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There will be demand for this land in the district, and the purchase of the property is therefore recommended 9 0 0 See Eeport attached. Teanaraki 347 3 18 Block XII., Oamaru, and Block VIII., Awamoko All rich agricultural land Meek, W. 5,044 0 6 15 0 0 See Report attached. Toka-rahi 11,051 2 9 Blocks II., VI., VII., and VIII., Maerewhenua Survey District First-class table-land and low-lying ridges on limestone formation McMaster, A. A. 77,360 17 10 7 0 0 See Report attached. Total 58,515 1 18 333,317 5 11 Southland Land District — Beaumont 4,322 3 20 Aparima Valley, Wairaki Survey District The flat land is good, quick soil, well adapted for grain and root crops. The ridges are composed of a strong clay soil on rough gravel bottom Mixed agricultural and pastoral; deep, rich, free soil Stevens's Trustees.. 10,482 11 3 2 8 6 See Report attached. That the land is suitable for settlement, and is a continuation and extension of the area for agricultural farms up the Aparima Valley Waiau Survey District Elder, Smith, and Co. That the land is good, and suitable for settlement; that the Board believes there is a demand for this class of land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase That the land is suitable for settlement, and is practically an extension of the Merrivale and Waiau Valley Settlements, to which it is adjacent Merrivale 9,998 0 0 24,995 0 0 2 10 0 See Report attached. •Otahu 6,044 0 29 Waiau Survey District The land on ridges and along their base is good, but thinner towards river; sections well watered by runn'g streams. Splendid timber available for fencing and building on property Menzies and Batger 7,555 4 6 15 0 \ See Report attached. Totals Grand totals 20,365 0 9 324,167 1 36 43,032 15 9 1,523,926 10 6