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EXPENDITURE ON SCHOOLS OF MINES. The following table shows the expenditure by the Government on schools of mines since their inauguration, exclusive of subsidies paid to the University of Otago towards the School of Mines in connection with that institution:—

The above statement shows the amount expended on the different schools of mines throughout the colony; but, in addition to this, the sum of £8,053 6s. 2d. has to be added, as that has been paid to the School of Mines attached to the University of Otago, £750 being paid last year towards maintaining the school, which makes the total expenditure up to the 31st March last to be £29,895 Is. 6d. This expenditure has extended over a period of fifteen years.

GOLD- AND SILVEE-PEODUCTION. The several branches of mining for precious metals have been steadily prosecuted throughout the year. In the North Island reef- or lode-mining is the only type represented, and the bullion obtained in many instances is in the form of gold combined with silver ; but in the West Coast and southern mining districts (Middle Island) every class of mining-work is in vogue where gold is to be got, and comprises the labours of the solitary digger with his cradle or sluice-box, beach-comb-ing, ground-paddocking, tunnelling, ground-sluicing, hydraulic sluicing and elevating, and dredging rivers and auriferous flats for alluvial gold, whilst quartz reefs or lodes are not neglected. Eapid advances have been made in dredge-mining during the year; in fact, it may be said that quite a boom has been, and is being, experienced. Many really good claims have been put on the market, and the success which has attended the operations of the greater number of working-dredges, and the rich harvests won by them, have caused an excited demand for properties of this kind. Investors would do well to thoroughly satisfy themselves as to the bond fide character of any claims put before them. When this precaution has been taken, and investigations have proved satisfactory, there is probably no branch of gold-mining which offers so secure a field for investment. The subject will be more fully treated under its own heading. The following comparative statement shows the quantity and value of gold entered for exportation for the last two years :—


Financial Years. Chemicals Subsidies towards and Apparatus, the Erection of also Mineralogical ScholarSchools of Mines, and Specimens ships. Maintenance. supplied to Schools of Mines. Salaries of Teachers, and Travellingexpenses, &c. Total Sum paid by the Department towards the Schools of Mines. £ s. d. £ s. d. 36 19 9 409 1 4 253 14 1 6 12 9 181 14 10 54 8 0 £ * £ s. d. 1,223 9 10 2,716 9 3 1,714 9 6 1,139 4 1 716 3 10 620 9 9 689 5 9 670 1 0 858 19 4 773 17 8 849 3 0 834 12 8 780 19 0 729 10 11 52 16 3 £ s. d. 1,260 9 7 3,383 7 1 2,221 19 4 1,188 6 10 1,040 0 8 *892 4 3 870 19 9 982 4 4 1,055 19 9 1,209 8 6 1,719 3 0 1,346 6 1 2,000 17 3 1,553 5 8 1,117 3 3 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 ... 257 16 6 253 15 9 42 10 0 142 2 0 217 6 6 181 14 0 312 3 4 197 0 5 390 0 0 820 0 0 352 14 11 1,089 18 6 740 15 2 990 3 4 45 10 10 58 18 6 29 19 9 32 19 7 24 3 8 50 100 100 50 50 Totals... 5,988 0 5 1,134 3 1 14,369 11 10 21,841 15 4 350

Year ended 31st March, 1899. Year ended 31st March, 1900. Increase for 1900. Decrease for 1900. Name of District. Oz. Value. Oz. Value. Oz. Oz. Auckland yiarlborough kelson ... ■Vest Coast 148,183 621 1,720 74,700 78,289 12 £ 545,463 2,406 6,882 298,824 315,306 49 168,836 344 2,589 94,081 126,791 22 £ 625,207 1,382 10,251 376,076 513,341 87 20,653 869 19,381 48,502 10 277 Dtago Canterbury Totals 303,525 1,168,930 392,663 1,526,344 89,138