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No. 8. Table showing the Different Classes of Coal from the Mines in the Colony.

No. 9. Table showing the Number of Coal-mines in Operation, the Number of Men employed, and the Output of Coal per Man.

No. 10. Return showing the Quantity and Value of Coal imported into and exported from New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st December, 1899.

Name of Coal. Output of Coal. Increase. Approximate Total Output of Coal up to the 31st December, 1899. 1899. 1898. iituminous 'itch irown nignite ! Tons. 588,036 37,835 314,542 34,821 [ _| Tons. 538,477 36,432 298,365 33,759 I ■ I Tons. 49,559 1,403 16,177 1,062 Tons. 7,272,962 1,760,323 3,979,161 446,434 Totals ■ • i 975,234 975,234 907,033 907,033 68,201 68,201 13,458,880 13,458,880

Number of Mines working. Number of Miners employed in each Mine. Total Number of Men employed. Output of Coal during 1899. Average Output per Man. 112 22 11 15 1 to 4 men in each 5 to 10 11 to 20 21 men and upwards 187 140 155 1,671 Tons. 48,546 53,181 55,247 818,260 Tons. 259-60 379-85 356-43 489-68 160 2,153 975,234 452-96

Imported. Exported. Countries whence imported. Quantity. Value. Countries to which exported. Quantity. Value. Inited Kingdom lew South Wales .. 'ictoria jueensland Tons. 50 98,786 363 456 £ 50 92,142 281 342 United Kingdom Tasmania New South Wales Queensland .. * British Columbia.. United States of America— On the West Coast Fiji Islands South Sea Islands Norfolk Island Tons. 66,036 184 4,639 £ 63,201 125 4,513 748 712 Total* 2,863 5,831 9,133 46 2,572 4,110 7,804 48 Totals .. 89,480 83,085 99,655 92,815