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An Article 5 bis is inserted in the arrangement, conceived in the following terms:— The International Bureau shall deliver to every applioant, on payment of a oharge fixed by the regulations, a oopy of the entries in the register in regard to any specified mark. Article 8 shall run as follows :— The Administration of the country of origin shall fix at discretion, and shall collect for its own profit, a charge to be claimed from the owner of the mark for which international registration is requested. To this charge shall be added an international emolument of 100 fr. for the first mark and of 50 fr. for each of the succeeding marks deposited at the same time by the same owner. The annual income produced by this charge shall be divided in equal shares between the contracting States by the International Bureau, after a deduction for the common expenses required for the execution of this arrangement. An Article 9 bis is inserted, conceived as follows :— When a mark entered in the International Register is transmitted to some person established in a contracting State other than the country of origin of the mark, such transmission shall be notified to the International Bureau by the Administration of the said oountry of origin. The International Bureau shall register such transmission, and, after receiving the assent of the Administration having jurisdiction over the new owner, shall notify it to the other Administrations, and publish it in its journal. The present provision does not effect a modification of the legislations of the contracting States, which prohibit the transmission of the mark without the simultaneous giving up of the industrial or commercial establishment, the products of which are distinguished by the mark. There shall not be registered any transmission of a mark entered in the International Register for the benefit of a person not established in one of the signatory countries. Article 2. —The final protocol, signed at the same time as the arrangement of the 14th April, 1891, is suppressed. The present additional Act shall have the same value and duration as the arrangement to which it has reference. It shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Brussels, in the form adopted by that arrangement, as soon as possible, and within a year at the latest. It shall come into operation three months after such exchange. In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present additional Act. Done at Brussels, The respective Governments are invited to sign the above draft within six months. The signature and exchange of ratifications shall take place in the manner provided in the additional Act.

Regulations for carrying the Arrangement into effect. Modifications submitted to the Approbation of the Contracting Administrations. To insert in the regulations an Article 6 bis, conceived in the following terms :— The charge provided for by Article 5 bis of the arrangement, for copies or extraots from the register is fixed at 2 fr. each extract. To modify Article 7 by making it run as follows : — The changes that may have occurred in the ownership of a mark, in regard to whioh a notification shall have been made as provided for in Articles 'J and 9 bis of the arrangement, shall be entered in the register of the International Bureau. The latter shall in its turn nocify them to the contracting Administrations, and publish them in its journal, while keeping count of the special provisions of Article 9 bis for cases in which the new owner is not established in the country of origin of the mark. To modify the first paragraph of Article 11 as follows:— The present regulations shall remain in operation as long as the arrangement to which it has referenoe. Done in single copy, at Brussels, the 14th December, 1897. For Belgium— For Italy— A. Nyssbns. E. Cantagalli. L. Capelle. C. F. Gabba. Geobges de Ro. S. Ottolenghi. J. Dubois. For the Netherlands— For Brazil— Snydeb van Wyssenkebke. F. Vieeia Monteibo. For Portugal— For Spain— F. Quintella de Sampato. The Marques De Bektemati. Jayme de S^guieb. Bduabdo Toda. For Switzerland— For France— Alphonse Bivieb. MONTHOLON. L. R. DE SALIS. C. Nicolas. For Tunisia— Michel Pelletieb. Montholon. FjTIENNE BLADfc.

Enclosure No. 3. Si K> Downing Street, 9th June, 1898. In reply to your letters (R. 4984, of the 2nd instant, and R. 7055, of the Bth instant), respecting the proposed ratification of the additional Act to the Industrial Property Convention of the 20th March, 1883, I am directed by Mr. Secretary Chamberlain to state tnat it will be necessary to ascertain the views of the Governments of Queensland and New Zealand as to the acceptance of the additional Act by these colonies, and that the Act should therefore be signed on behalf of the United Kingdom, only power being reserved by Her Majesty's Government to accede to the Act on behalf of Queensland and New Zealand at a later date.