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Nos. 21, 36, 199, 328, and 329, 1898.—Petitions of Heney Caelyle Fairlie and Eobebt Moeton Pateeson, John Gaedinee, James Wallace, James Mooee, and Henry Mackle. Petitioners pray for compensation for damage and loss of property alleged to have been caused by fires originated by sparks from locomotives. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend, in connection with the above five petitions, that they should be referred to the Government, and that a full investigation should be made by and a report obtained from a Stipendiary Magistrate. lam also directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the provisions of " The Crown Suits Act, 1881," which bar those who have claims against the Eailway Department from taking legal proceedings without first obtaining permission of Crown Law Officers, should be rescinded. 4th August, 1899.

No. 24.—Petition of Euphemia Dempsey, of Lyttelton (Widow). Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of the death of her husband, caused by an accident when working on the railway. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th August, 1899.

No. 112. —Petition of Chaeles Foebes Vince, of Opawa, near Christchurch. Petitioner prays for compensation on account of having been disabled by an accident whilst working as a casual hand on the Government railways. I am directed to report that in this case the Committee have no recommendation to make. 4th August, 1899.

No. 16, 1898.—Petition of W. S. C. Blackley and 2 Others. Petitionees pray for compensation for damage and loss of property alleged to have been caused by fires originated by sparks from locomotives. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend, in connection with the above petition, that it should be referred to the Government, and that a full investigation should be made by and a report obtained from a Stipendiary Magistrate. lam also directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the provisions of " The Crown Huits Act, 1881," which bar those who have claims against the Eailway Department from taking legal proceedings without first obtaining permission of Crown Law Officers, should be rescinded. 15th August, 1899.

No. 95.—Petition of John Bloompield and Others. Petitioners pray for an extension of the railway from Waiotu to Hukerenui. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government. loth August, 1899.

No. 102.' —Petition of Hon. E. Mitchblson and Others. Petitioners pray for an extension of the Helensville Eailway northwards. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government. 15th August, 1899.

No. 7.—Petition of Elizabeth Wilson Thomson. Petitioner prays that she may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of the death of her husband, who was killed whilst in the service of the Eailway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government that inquiry may be made into the matter contained therein. 15th August, 1899.

No. 109. —Petition of Chaelbs Tash, of New Plymouth. Petitioneb prays for relief on account of having beqn injured whilst working on the Government railways. I am directed to report that, as the Eailway Department has promised to provide Charles Tash with employment as soon as he is able to perform his duties, the Committee have no immediate recommendation to make. 17th August, 1899.