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No. 340.—Petition of John Jones and 33 Others, of Mohaka and Nuhaka, East Coast. Petitioners pray that a sum of £5,000 be at once placed on the estimates to provide for the early completion and metalling of the main road from Napier to Wairoa. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth September, 1899.

No. 312. —Petition of Samuel Croker and 4 Others, constituting the Matakana West Eoad Board, Auckland District. Petitioners pray that the sum of £300 should be provided for the purpose of constructing a road from Section 47 to Sections 108, 109, 112, and 113, Matakana West Eoad District. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth September, 1899.

No. 302. —Petition of James Wyber and 116 Others, of Catlin's. Petitioners, who are settlers and residents of the Catlin's district, pray that a bridge should be erected across the estuary at the east end of the lake. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth September, 1899.

No. 246.—Petition of W. Wall and 61 Others, of Tuapeka and Waihemo Electorates. Petitioners pray that a road should be constructed through Thompson's Gorge from Matakanui to Lindis. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth September, 1899.

No. 267.—Petition of Eeveley Humes and 462 Others, Bay of Islands. Petitioners pray that a sum of £10,000 be granted them for the purpose of putting some sixteen miles of road in order, from the projected railway terminus at Hukerenui to Kawakawa, by that main artery known as the Great North Eoad. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth September, 1899.

No. 67. —Petition of Eric Whitcombe and 26 Others, of Pahiatua. Petitioners pray that certain lands in the Pahiatua district be made liable for proportion of rates oh account of loan raised from the Government. I am directed to report that the Committee do not recommend any interference with the present position. Bth September, 1899.

No. 387. —Petition of Norman McKinnon and 11 Others, of Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Petitioners pray that a certain Bill now before the House, proposing to rate small grazing-runs to their full value, be not passed. I am directed to report that the petition be referred to the Government. 14th September, 1899. .

No. 325. —Petition of Jonathan Swaebrick, of Nuhaka, Poverty Bay. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss of deposit and land, Lot 4, Block IX., Maketu Survey District. I am directed to report that the Committee consider this is a case that requires further inquiry, as the petitioner appears to have a claim to the land referred to in the petition. The Committee therefore refer the petition to the Government for further inquiry. 14th September, 1899.

No. 236.—Petition of Eobert Little, of Auckland. Petitioner claims a title to 10 acres of land, to which, he says, John Graham was entitled some twenty years ago. I am directed to report that the Committee have no recommendation to make. 14th September, 1899.

No. 275. —Petition of Alfred Monk and 5 Others, of Kaitawa Survey District, Otaki. Petitioners pray that the amount which they have paid by way of rent in excess of the rent at which their lands were recently revalued should be refunded to them. . I am directed to report that, the former report of the Committee on this petition having been referred back to the Committee for further consideration, the Committee, having heard the evidence of the petitioners in support of their claim, see no reason to warrant the alteration of the former report —namely, "That the petitioners have no claim." 14th September, 1899.